Ronald L. Mumme
Ronald L. Mumme
Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology, Allegheny College
Email yang diverifikasi di allegheny.edu - Beranda
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The evolution of delayed dispersal in cooperative breeders
WD Koenig, FA Pitelka, WJ Carmen, RL Mumme, MT Stanback
The Quarterly review of biology 67 (2), 111-150, 1992
Acorn production by oaks in central coastal California: variation within and among years
WD Koenig, RL Mumme, WJ Carmen, MT Stanback
Ecology 75 (1), 99-109, 1994
Population ecology of the cooperatively breeding acorn woodpecker
WD Koenig, RL Mumme
Princeton University Press, 1987
Life and death in the fast lane: Demographic consequences of road mortality in the Florida Scrub‐Jay
RL Mumme, SJ Schoech, GE Woolfenden, JW Fitzpatrick
Conservation biology 14 (2), 501-512, 2000
Do helpers increase reproductive success? An experimental analysis in the Florida scrub jay
RL Mumme
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 31, 319-328, 1992
Reproductive endocrinology and mechanisms of breeding inhibition in cooperatively breeding Florida scrub jays (Aphelocoma c. coerulescens)
SJ Schoech, RL Mumme, MC Moore
The Condor 93 (2), 354-364, 1991
Reproductive competition in the communal acorn woodpecker: sisters destroy each other's eggs
RL Mumme, WD Koenig, FA Pitelka
Nature 306 (5943), 583-584, 1983
Estimating acorn crops using visual surveys
WD Koenig, JMH Knops, WJ Carmen, MT Stanback, RL Mumme
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 24 (10), 2105-2112, 1994
Prolactin and helping behaviour in the cooperatively breeding Florida scrub-jay, Aphelocoma c. coerulescens
SJ Schoech, RL Mumme, JC Wingfield
Animal Behaviour 52 (3), 445-456, 1996
Acorn production by oaks in central coastal California: influence of weather at three levels
WD Koenig, JMH Knops, WJ Carmen, MT Stanback, RL Mumme
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 26 (9), 1677-1683, 1996
Delayed dispersal and cooperative breeding in the Seychelles Warbler.
RL Mumme
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 7 (10), 330-331, 1992
Replacement of breeders and within-group conflict in the cooperatively breeding acorn woodpecker
SJ Hannon, RL Mumme, WD Koenig, FA Pitelka
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 17, 303-312, 1985
Predation on the eggs and nestlings of Florida Scrub Jays
R Schaub, RL Mumme, GE Woolfenden
The Auk 109 (3), 585-593, 1992
Patterns and consequences of egg destruction among joint-nesting acorn woodpeckers
WD Koenig, RL Mumme, MT Stanback, FA Pitelka
Animal Behaviour 50 (3), 607-621, 1995
Delayed breeding in the cooperatively breeding Florida scrub-jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens): inhibition or the absence of stimulation?
SJ Schoech, RL Mumme, JC Wingfield
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 39, 77-90, 1996
Mate guarding in the acorn woodpecker: within-group reproductive competition in a cooperative breeder
RL Mumme, WD Koenig, FA Pitelka
Animal Behaviour 31 (4), 1094-1106, 1983
Effects of food supplementation, song playback, and temperature on vocal territorial behavior of Carolina wrens
JG Strain, RL Mumme
The Auk 105 (1), 11-16, 1988
Genetic variation and parentage in a California population of acorn woodpeckers
RL Mumme, WD Koenig, RM Zink, JA Marten
The Auk, 305-312, 1985
Corticosterone, reproductive status, and body mass in a cooperative breeder, the Florida scrub-jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens)
SJ Schoech, RL Mumme, JC Wingfield
Physiological Zoology 70 (1), 68-73, 1997
Poor acorn crop, dominance, and decline in numbers of acorn woodpeckers
SJ Hannon, RL Mumme, WD Koenig, S Spon, FA Pitelka
The Journal of Animal Ecology, 197-207, 1987
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