Rifky Pradipta
Rifky Pradipta
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Analysis of modifiable, non-modifiable, and physiological risk factors of non-communicable diseases in Indonesia: evidence from the 2018 Indonesian basic health research
H Arifin, KR Chou, K Ibrahim, SUR Fitri, RO Pradipta, YA Rias, N Sitorus, ...
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 2203-2221, 2022
HIV-related knowledge, information, and their contribution to stigmatization attitudes among females aged 15–24 years: regional disparities in Indonesia
H Arifin, K Ibrahim, L Rahayuwati, YK Herliani, Y Kurniawati, RO Pradipta, ...
BMC Public Health 22 (1), 637, 2022
Determinants of the discriminatory behavior experienced by people living with HIV in Indonesia: A cross-sectional study of the demographic health survey
N Nursalam, T Sukartini, H Arifin, RO Pradipta, D Mafula, M Ubudiyah
The Open AIDS Journal 15 (1), 2021
Prevalence and determinants of diarrhea among under-five children in five Southeast Asian countries: Evidence from the demographic health survey
H Arifin, W Rakhmawati, Y Kurniawati, RO Pradipta, F Efendi, ...
Journal of Pediatric Nursing 66, e37-e45, 2022
Spiritual-based motivational self-diabetic management on the self-efficacy, Self-care, and HbA1c of Type 2 diabetes mellitus
ND Kurniawati, A Bakar, ED Wahyuni, H Arifin, RO Pradipta
Sys Rev Pharm 11 (7), 304-308, 2020
Pengaruh Progressive Muscle Relaxation terhadap Stres dan Penurunan Kadar Gula Darah pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2
U Herlambang, K Kusnanto, L Hidayati, H Arifin, RO Pradipta
Critical Medical and Surgical Nursing Journal 8 (1), 45, 2019
Edukasi Kesehatan: Perawatan Kaki terhadap Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Tindakan Pencegahan Ulkus Kaki Diabetik
M Munali, K Kusnanto, HE Nihayati, H Arifin, RO Pradipta
Critical Medical and Surgical Nursing Journal (CMSNJ) 8 (1), 23-30, 2019
Factors associated with national health insurance coverage in Indonesia
T Sukartini, H Arifin, Y Kurniawati, RO Pradipta, N Nursalam, JRU Acob
F1000Research 10, 563, 2022
Potential methods to Improve Self-management in those with type 2 diabetes: a narrative review
T Sukartini, N Nursalam, RO Pradipta, M Ubudiyah
International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism 21 (1), e119698, 2023
Resilience-based Islamic program as a promising intervention on diabetes fatigue and health-related quality of life
K Kusnanto, H Arifin, RO Pradipta, G Gusmaniarti, H Kuswanto, ...
PloS one 17 (9), e0273675, 2022
Diabetes resilience training on self-care, glycemic control, and diabetes burnout of adult type 2 diabetes mellitus
H Arifin, K Kusnanto, ED Wahyuni, RO Pradipta
Indonesian Nursing Journal of Education and Clinic (INJEC) 4 (2), 90-98, 2019
Effectiveness of mobile-based health interventions for the management of hypertensive patients: a systematic review
SZ Fadilah, IA Susanti, DY Setyorini, RO Pradipta
Jurnal Ners 15 (2), 2020
Regional disparities and their contribution to the coverage of the tetanus toxoid vaccine among women aged 15–49 years in Indonesia
H Arifin, R Widiasih, RO Pradipta, Y Kurniawati
F1000Research 10, 437, 2021
What I felt as a diabetes fatigue survivor: a phenomenology study
K Kusnanto, RO Pradipta, H Arifin, G Gusmaniarti, H Handiyani, ...
Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders 21 (2), 1753-1762, 2022
Investigation of discriminatory attitude toward people living with HIV in the family context using socio-economic factors and information sources: A nationwide study in Indonesia
N Nursalam, T Sukartini, H Kuswanto, S Setyowati, D Mediarti, R Rosnani, ...
PeerJ 10, e13841, 2022
RETRACTED: Efficacy of Intermittent and Continuous Subglottic Secretion Drainage in Preventing the Risk of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized …
YS Dewi, H Arifin, RO Pradipta, A Qona’ah, R Rosita, CN Giatin, ...
Medicina 59 (2), 283, 2023
Health literacy of ICU patients’ family: a review
NIM NINUK DIAN KURNIAWATI, YS Dewi, ED Wahyuni, H Arifin, ...
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 18 (5), 302-306, 2022
Development of digital technology-based nursing service innovation in the pandemic era
YS Dewi, IKE Purnama, T Hasegawa, A Qona’ah, RO Pradipta, H Arifin
Community Empowerment 7 (4), 763-768, 2022
Nursing beyond borders: The Indonesian diaspora
F Efendi, GE Aurizki, RO Pradipta
Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2024
The journey of Indonesian nurse migration: a scoping review
RO Pradipta, F Efendi, AS Alruwaili, MR Diansya, A Kurniati
Healthcare in Low-Resource Settings 11 (2), 2023
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