Victor Pasko
Victor Pasko
Professor of Electrical Engineering, Penn State University
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Sprites produced by quasi‐electrostatic heating and ionization in the lower ionosphere
VP Pasko, US Inan, TF Bell, YN Taranenko
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 102 (A3), 4529-4561, 1997
Efficient models for photoionization produced by non-thermal gas discharges in air based on radiative transfer and the Helmholtz equations
A Bourdon, VP Pasko, NY Liu, S Célestin, P Ségur, E Marode
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 16 (3), 656, 2007
Effects of photoionization on propagation and branching of positive and negative streamers in sprites
N Liu, VP Pasko
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 109 (A4), 2004
Monte Carlo model for analysis of thermal runaway electrons in streamer tips in transient luminous events and streamer zones of lightning leaders
GD Moss, VP Pasko, N Liu, G Veronis
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 111 (A2), 2006
Electrical discharge from a thundercloud top to the lower ionosphere
VP Pasko, MA Stanley, JD Mathews, US Inan, TG Wood
Nature 416 (6877), 152-154, 2002
Upward electrical discharges from thunderstorms
PR Krehbiel, JA Riousset, VP Pasko, RJ Thomas, W Rison, MA Stanley, ...
Nature Geoscience 1 (4), 233-237, 2008
Spatial structure of sprites
VP Pasko, US Inan, TF Bell
Geophysical Research Letters 25 (12), 2123-2126, 1998
Heating, ionization and upward discharges in the mesosphere, due to intense quasi‐electrostatic thundercloud fields
VP Pasko, US Inan, YN Taranenko, TF Bell
Geophysical Research Letters 22 (4), 365-368, 1995
Energy and fluxes of thermal runaway electrons produced by exponential growth of streamers during the stepping of lightning leaders and in transient luminous events
S Celestin, VP Pasko
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 116 (A3), 2011
Red sprite discharges in the atmosphere at high altitude: the molecular physics and the similarity with laboratory discharges
VP Pasko
Plasma sources science and technology 16 (1), S13, 2007
Recent advances in theory of transient luminous events
VP Pasko
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 115 (A6), 2010
Lightning related transient luminous events at high altitude in the Earth’s atmosphere: Phenomenology, mechanisms and effects
VP Pasko, Y Yair, CL Kuo
Space science reviews 168, 475-516, 2012
Runaway electrons as a source of red sprites in the mesosphere
TF Bell, VP Pasko, US Inan
Geophysical Research Letters 22 (16), 2127-2130, 1995
Dynamics of streamer‐to‐leader transition at reduced air densities and its implications for propagation of lightning leaders and gigantic jets
CL Da Silva, VP Pasko
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (24), 13,561-13,590, 2013
Upward electrical discharges from thunderstorm tops
WA Lyons, TE Nelson, RA Armstrong, VP Pasko, MA Stanley
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 84 (4), 445-454, 2003
Three‐dimensional fractal modeling of intracloud lightning discharge in a New Mexico thunderstorm and comparison with lightning mapping observations
JA Riousset, VP Pasko, PR Krehbiel, RJ Thomas, W Rison
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 112 (D15), 2007
Relaxation of transient lower ionospheric disturbances caused by lightning‐whistler‐induced electron precipitation bursts
VS Glukhov, VP Pasko, US Inan
Journal of geophysical research: space physics 97 (A11), 16971-16979, 1992
Effects of photoionization on similarity properties of streamers at various pressures in air
N Liu, VP Pasko
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 39 (2), 327, 2006
VLF signatures of ionospheric disturbances associated with sprites
US Inan, TF Bell, VP Pasko, DD Sentman, EM Wescott, WA Lyons
Geophysical Research Letters 22 (24), 3461-3464, 1995
Breaking of thunderstorm‐generated gravity waves as a source of short‐period ducted waves at mesopause altitudes
JB Snively, VP Pasko
Geophysical Research Letters 30 (24), 2003
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