Professor Hector Basoalto
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On the role of melt flow into the surface structure and porosity development during selective laser melting
C Qiu, C Panwisawas, M Ward, HC Basoalto, JW Brooks, MM Attallah
Acta Materialia 96, 72-79, 2015
Mesoscale modelling of selective laser melting: Thermal fluid dynamics and microstructural evolution
C Panwisawas, C Qiu, MJ Anderson, Y Sovani, RP Turner, MM Attallah, ...
Computational Materials Science 126, 479-490, 2017
Keyhole formation and thermal fluid flow-induced porosity during laser fusion welding in titanium alloys: Experimental and modelling
C Panwisawas, B Perumal, RM Ward, N Turner, RP Turner, JW Brooks, ...
Acta materialia 126, 251-263, 2017
On the role of thermal fluid dynamics into the evolution of porosity during selective laser melting
C Panwisawas, CL Qiu, Y Sovani, JW Brooks, MM Attallah, HC Basoalto
Scripta Materialia 105, 14-17, 2015
A model for the creep deformation behaviour of nickel-based single crystal superalloys
Z Zhu, H Basoalto, N Warnken, RC Reed
Acta Materialia 60 (12), 4888-4900, 2012
Modelling of thermal fluid dynamics for fusion welding
C Panwisawas, Y Sovani, RP Turner, JW Brooks, HC Basoalto, I Choquet
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 252, 176-182, 2018
Creep and creep modelling of a multimodal nickel-base superalloy
J Coakley, D Dye, H Basoalto
Acta materialia 59 (3), 854-863, 2011
Coarsening of a multimodal nickel-base superalloy
J Coakley, H Basoalto, D Dye
Acta Materialia 58 (11), 4019-4028, 2010
A generic microstructure-explicit model of creep in nickel-base superalloys
H Basoalto, SK Sondhi, BF Dyson, M McLean
Superalloys 1, 897-906, 2004
Mean-field modelling of the intermetallic precipitate phases during heat treatment and additive manufacture of Inconel 718
MJ Anderson, C Panwisawas, Y Sovani, RP Turner, JW Brooks, ...
Acta Materialia 156, 432-445, 2018
On the modelling of precipitation kinetics in a turbine disc nickel based superalloy
MJ Anderson, F Schulz, Y Lu, HS Kitaguchi, P Bowen, C Argyrakis, ...
Acta Materialia 191, 81-100, 2020
Metal powder bed fusion process chains: an overview of modelling techniques
S Afazov, A Roberts, L Wright, P Jadhav, A Holloway, H Basoalto, K Milne, ...
Progress in Additive Manufacturing, 1-26, 2022
A thermal fluid dynamics framework applied to multi-component substrates experiencing fusion and vaporisation state transitions
TF Flint, L Scotti, HC Basoalto, MC Smith
Communications Physics 3 (1), 196, 2020
A computational study on the three-dimensional printability of precipitate-strengthened nickel-based superalloys
HC Basoalto, C Panwisawas, Y Sovani, MJ Anderson, RP Turner, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 474 (2220), 20180295, 2018
A multi-scale multi-physics approach to modelling of additive manufacturing in nickel-based superalloys
C Panwisawas, Y Sovani, MJ Anderson, R Turner, NM Palumbo, ...
Superalloys2016. Warrendale, TMS, 1021-1030, 2016
Prediction of grain structure evolution during rapid solidification of high energy density beam induced re-melting
TF Flint, C Panwisawas, Y Sovani, MC Smith, HC Basoalto
Materials & Design 147, 200-210, 2018
Calculating the energy required to undergo the conditioning phase of a titanium alloy inertia friction weld
RP Turner, D Howe, B Thota, RM Ward, HC Basoalto, JW Brooks
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 24, 186-194, 2016
Microstructural characteristics and computational investigation on electron beam welded Ti-6Al-4 V alloy
Y Lu, R Turner, J Brooks, H Basoalto
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 288, 116837, 2021
Predicting precipitation kinetics during the annealing of additive manufactured Inconel 625 components
MJ Anderson, J Benson, JW Brooks, B Saunders, HC Basoalto
Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation 8, 154-166, 2019
A damage mechanics approach for lifetime estimation of wind turbine gearbox materials
VLJ Junior, H Basoalto, M Papaelias
International Journal of Fatigue 137, 105671, 2020
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