István Barabás
István Barabás
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Biodiesel Quality, Standards and Properties
I Barabás, IA Todoruţ
Performance and emission characteristics of an CI engine fueled with diesel–biodiesel–bioethanol blends
I Barabás, A Todoruţ, D Băldean
Fuel 89 (12), 3827-3832, 2010
Current challenges in autonomous driving
I Barabas, A Todoruţ, N Cordoş, A Molea
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 252 (1), 012096, 2017
Review of thermoelectric generation for internal combustion engine waste heat recovery
NV Burnete, F Mariasiu, C Depcik, I Barabas, D Moldovanu
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 91, 101009, 2022
Predicting the temperature dependent viscosity of biodiesel-diesel-bioethanol blends
I Barabas, IA Todorut
Energy & Fuels 25 (12), 5767–5774, 2011
Predicting the temperature dependent density of biodiesel–diesel–bioethanol blends
I Barabás
Fuel 109, 563-574, 2013
Liquid densities and excess molar volumes of ethanol+ biodiesel binary system between the temperatures 273.15 K and 333.15 K
I Barabás
Journal of Molecular Liquids 204, 95-99, 2015
Key fuel properties of biodiesel-diesel fuel-ethanol blends
I Barabás, AI Todoruţ
SAE Technical Paper, 2009
Utilization of Biodiesel-Diesel-Ethanol Blends in CI Engine
I Barabás, IA Todoruț
InTech, 2011
Diesel-ethanol blends and their use in diesel engines
NV Burnete, N Filip, I Barabas
J. Automot. Eng 89, 88-106, 2015
Siguranţa autovehiculelor şi securitatea în transporturi rutiere
IA Todoruţ, I Barabás, N Burnete
UT Press, 2012
Predicting the Temperature and Composition–Dependent Density and Viscosity of Diesel Fuel–Ethanol Blends
A Todoruț, A Molea, I Barabás
Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering 64 (2), 213-220, 2020
Key fuel properties and engine performances of diesel-ethanol blends, using tetrahydrofuran as surfactant additive
A Molea, P Visuian, I Barabás, RC Suciu, NV Burnete
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 252 (1), 012077, 2017
Combustibili, lubrifianţi, materiale speciale pentru autovehicule. Economicitate şi poluare
N Băţaga, N Burnete, I Barabás
Alma Mater, 2003
Motoare cu ardere internă. Combusibili, lubrifianţi şi materiale speciale pentru automobile. Economicitate şi poluare.
N Băţaga, N Burnete, I Barabás, A Cǎzilǎ, N Filip, A Naghiu
Editura UT Press, 2000
Preliminary results on nano-diamond and nano-graphite testing as additive for an engine lubrication oil
D Moldovanu, A Molea, I Barabás
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 724 (1), 012047, 2020
Combustibili pentru automobile: testare, utilizare, evaluare
I Barabás, A Todorut
U.T. PRESS, 2010
Evaluation of the tire pressure influence on the lateral forces that occur between tire and road
N Cordoş, A Todoruţ, I Barabás
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 252 (1), 012011, 2017
Fuel properties of diesel-ethanol-tetrahydrofuran blends: Experimental and theoretical approaches
I Barabás, A Molea, R Suciu
Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Automotive and Transport …, 2019
Biodiesel Quality, Standards and Properties, Biodiesel Quality, Emissions and By-Products, Dr. Gisela Montero (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-784-0
I Barabas, IA Todoruţ
Tech, Availablef rom: http://www. intechopen. com/books/biodiesel-quality …, 2011
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