吕庆 (Qing Lü)
吕庆 (Qing Lü)
Email yang diverifikasi di zju.edu.cn - Beranda
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Probabilistic analysis of underground rock excavations using response surface method and SORM
Q Lü, BK Low
Computers and Geotechnics 38 (8), 1008-1021, 2011
Fractal dimension of concrete incorporating silica fume and its correlations to pore structure, strength and permeability
Q Lü, Q Qiu, J Zheng, J Wang, Q Zeng
Construction and Building Materials 228, 116986, 2019
Reliability analysis of ground–support interaction in circular tunnels using the response surface method
Q Lü, HY Sun, BK Low
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 48 (8), 1329-1343, 2011
Probabilistic evaluation of ground-support interaction for deep rock excavation using artificial neural network and uniform design
Q Lü, CL Chan, BK Low
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 32, 1-18, 2012
System reliability assessment for a rock tunnel with multiple failure modes
Q Lü, CL Chan, BK Low
Rock mechanics and rock engineering 46, 821-833, 2013
吕庆, 孙红月, 翟三扣, 汪会帮, 尚岳全
自然灾害学报 12 (2), 79-84, 2003
Reliability analysis on permanent displacement of earth slopes using the simplified bishop method
J Ji, W Zhang, F Zhang, Y Gao, Q Lü
Computers and Geotechnics 117, 103286, 2020
Moving least squares method for reliability assessment of rock tunnel excavation considering ground-support interaction
Q Lü, ZP Xiao, J Ji, J Zheng, YQ Shang
Computers and Geotechnics 84, 88-100, 2017
Estimating the rainfall threshold of a deep-seated landslide by integrating models for predicting the groundwater level and stability analysis of the slope
Z Wei, Q Lü, H Sun, Y Shang
Engineering Geology 253, 14-26, 2019
Reliability based design optimization for a rock tunnel support system with multiple failure modes using response surface method
Q Lü, ZP Xiao, J Ji, J Zheng
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 70, 1-10, 2017
New observations on the application of LS-SVM in slope system reliability analysis
J Ji, C Zhang, Y Gui, Q Lü, J Kodikara
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 31 (2), 06016002, 2017
吕庆, 孙红月, 尚岳全
浙江大学学报: 工学版 42 (1), 83-87, 2008
吕庆, 孙红月, 尚岳全, 陈侃福, 徐国锋
岩石力学与工程学报 24 (16), 2982-2988, 2005
Evaluation of drainage tunnel effectiveness in landslide control
H Sun, LNY Wong, Y Shang, Y Shen, Q Lü
Landslides 7, 445-454, 2010
A new perspective for the directivity of Rock Quality Designation (RQD) and an anisotropy index of jointing degree for rock masses
J Zheng, X Yang, Q Lü, Y Zhao, J Deng, Z Ding
Engineering geology 240, 81-94, 2018
High temperature thermoelectric properties of Bi2Sr2Co2Oy/Ag composites
S Wang, Z Bai, H Wang, Q Lü, J Wang, G Fu
Journal of alloys and compounds 554, 254-257, 2013
贾义鹏, 吕庆, 尚岳全
岩石力学与工程学报 32 (2), 343-348, 2013
The effects of blast damage zone thickness on rock slope stability
H Zheng, T Li, J Shen, C Xu, H Sun, Q Lü
Engineering Geology 246, 19-27, 2018
Probabilistic assessment of tunnel convergence considering spatial variability in rock mass properties using interpolated autocorrelation and response surface method
Q Lü, Z Xiao, J Zheng, Y Shang
Geoscience Frontiers 9 (6), 1619-1629, 2018
A case study of a rainfall-induced landslide involving weak interlayer and its treatment using the siphon drainage method
HY Sun, P Pan, Q Lü, ZL Wei, W Xie, W Zhan
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 78, 4063-4074, 2019
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