Angel Avadí
Angel Avadí
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Life cycle assessment of fisheries: A review for fisheries scientists and managers
A Avadí, P Fréon
Fisheries Research 143, 21-38, 2013
Eco-efficiency assessment of the Peruvian anchoveta steel and wooden fleets using the LCA+ DEA framework
Á Avadí, I Vázquez-Rowe, P Fréon
Journal of Cleaner Production 70, 118-131, 2014
Life cycle assessment of three Peruvian fishmeal plants: Toward a cleaner production
P Fréon, H Durand, A Avadí, S Huaranca, RO Moreyra
Journal of cleaner production 145, 50-63, 2017
El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) effects on fisheries and aquaculture
A Bertrand, M Lengaigne, K Takahashi, A Avadi, F Poulain, C Harrod
Food & Agriculture Org., 2020
Comparative environmental performance of artisanal and commercial feed use in Peruvian freshwater aquaculture
A Avadí, N Pelletier, J Aubin, S Ralite, J Núñez, P Fréon
Aquaculture 435, 52-66, 2015
A set of sustainability performance indicators for seafood: direct human consumption products from Peruvian anchoveta fisheries and freshwater aquaculture
A Avadí, P Fréon
Ecological Indicators 48, 518-532, 2015
Life cycle assessment of the Peruvian industrial anchoveta fleet: boundary setting in life cycle inventory analyses of complex and plural means of production
P Fréon, A Avadí, RA Vinatea Chavez, F Iriarte Ahón
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 19, 1068-1086, 2014
Life cycle assessment of Ecuadorian processed tuna
A Avadí, C Bolaños, I Sandoval, C Ycaza
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 20, 1415-1428, 2015
Environmental assessment of Peruvian anchoveta food products: is less refined better?
A Avadí, P Fréon, I Quispe
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 19, 1276-1293, 2014
Data strategy for environmental assessment of agricultural regions via LCA: case study of a French catchment
A Avadí, L Nitschelm, M Corson, F Vertès
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 21, 476-491, 2016
Environmentally extended comparison table of large-versus small-and medium-scale fisheries: the case of the Peruvian anchoveta fleet
P Fréon, A Avadí, WM Soto, R Negrón
Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences 71 (10), 1459-1474, 2014
Life cycle assessment of organic and conventional non-Bt cotton products from Mali
A Avadí, M Marcin, Y Biard, A Renou, JP Gourlot, C Basset-Mens
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 25, 678-697, 2020
Coupled ecosystem/supply chain modelling of fish products from sea to shelf: the Peruvian anchoveta case
A Avadí, P Fréon, J Tam
PLoS One 9 (7), e102057, 2014
How to enhance the sustainability and inclusiveness of smallholder aquaculture production systems in Zambia?
A Avadí, SM Cole, F Kruijssen, MH Dabat, CM Mungule
Aquaculture 547, 737494, 2022
First series of seafood datasets in ecoinvent: setting the pace for future development
A Avadí, I Vázquez-Rowe, A Symeonidis, E Moreno-Ruiz
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 25, 1333-1342, 2020
Screening LCA of French organic amendments and fertilisers
A Avadí
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 25, 698-718, 2020
Mapping fisheries value chains to facilitate their sustainability assessment: Case studies in The Gambia and Mali
I Acosta-Alba, G Nicolay, A Mbaye, M Dème, L Andres, M Oswald, ...
Marine Policy 135, 104854, 2022
Modelling dynamic soil organic carbon flows of annual and perennial energy crops to inform energy-transport policy scenarios in France
A Albers, A Avadí, A Benoist, P Collet, A Hélias
Science of the Total Environment 718, 135278, 2020
Introducing the Green Protein Footprint method as an understandable measure of the environmental cost of anchovy consumption
J Laso, M Margallo, M Serrano, I Vázquez-Rowe, A Avadí, P Fullana, ...
Science of the Total Environment 621, 40-53, 2018
Organic purchasing factors and consumer classification through their preferences in the metropolitan area of Lima, Peru
A Higuchi, A Avadi
Agronomía Colombiana 33 (2), 271-279, 2015
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