Quantum theory of many-particle systems AL Fetter, JD Walecka
Courier Corporation, 2012
11836 2012 Rotating trapped bose-einstein condensates AL Fetter
Reviews of Modern Physics 81 (2), 647-691, 2009
1341 2009 Theoretical mechanics of particles and continua AL Fetter, JD Walecka
Courier Corporation, 2003
821 2003 Vortices in a trapped dilute Bose-Einstein condensate AL Fetter, AA Svidzinsky
Journal of Physics: condensed matter 13 (12), R135, 2001
813 2001 Random-phase approximation in the fractional-statistics gas AL Fetter, CB Hanna, RB Laughlin
Physical Review B 39 (13), 9679, 1989
576 1989 Electrodynamics of a layered electron gas. II. Periodic array AL Fetter
Annals of Physics 88 (1), 1-25, 1974
464 1974 Electrodynamics of a layered electron gas. I. Single layer AL Fetter
Annals of Physics 81 (2), 367-393, 1973
424 1973 Nonuniform states of an imperfect Bose gas AL Fetter
Annals of physics 70 (1), 67-101, 1972
399 1972 Observation of bulk and edge magnetoplasmons in a two-dimensional electron fluid DB Mast, AJ Dahm, AL Fetter
Physical review letters 54 (15), 1706, 1985
353 1985 Edge magnetoplasmons in a bounded two-dimensional electron fluid AL Fetter
Physical Review B 32 (12), 7676, 1985
236 1985 Rotating vortex lattice in a Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in combined quadratic and quartic radial potentials AL Fetter
Physical Review A 64 (6), 063608, 2001
220 2001 Stability of a vortex in a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate AA Svidzinsky, AL Fetter
Physical review letters 84 (26), 5919, 2000
216 2000 Ground state and excited states of a confined condensed Bose gas AL Fetter
Physical Review A 53 (6), 4245, 1996
199 1996 Ginzburg-Landau Theory of Vortices in -Wave Superconductors AJ Berlinsky, AL Fetter, M Franz, C Kallin, PI Soininen
Physical review letters 75 (11), 2200, 1995
196 1995 Dynamics of a vortex in a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate AA Svidzinsky, AL Fetter
Physical Review A 62 (6), 063617, 2000
189 2000 Magnetoplasmons in a two-dimensional electron fluid: Disk geometry AL Fetter
Physical Review B 33 (8), 5221, 1986
183 1986 The physics of liquid and solid helium AL Fetter
ch 3, 1, 1976
180 1976 The mixed state of thin superconducting films in perpendicular fields AL Fetter, PC Hohenberg
Physical Review 159 (2), 330, 1967
177 1967 Rapid rotation of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a harmonic plus quartic trap AL Fetter, B Jackson, S Stringari
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 71 (1), 013605, 2005
159 2005 Vortices in an imperfect Bose gas. I. The condensate AL Fetter
Physical Review 138 (2A), A429, 1965
155 1965