Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Mette Olaf NielsenPelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 5
Maternal chocolate and sucrose soft drink intake induces hepatic steatosis in rat offspring associated with altered lipid gene expression profile
M Kjaergaard, C Nilsson, A Rosendal, MO Nielsen, K Raun
Acta Physiologica 210 (1), 142-153, 2014
Mandat: Danish Council for Strategic Research
Late gestation under‐and overnutrition have differential impacts when combined with a post‐natal obesogenic diet on glucose–lactate–insulin adaptations during metabolic …
P Khanal, AMD Axel, AH Kongsted, SV Husted, L Johnsen, D Pandey, ...
Acta Physiologica 213 (2), 519-536, 2015
Mandat: Danish Council for Strategic Research
Effects of seasonal and interspecies differences in macroalgae procured from temperate seas on the Northern hemisphere on in vitro methane mitigating properties and rumen …
M Thorsteinsson, MR Weisbjerg, P Lund, M Battelli, É Chassé, A Bruhn, ...
Algal Research 73, 103139, 2023
Mandat: Innovation Fund Denmark
Pre‐natal undernutrition and post‐natal overnutrition are associated with permanent changes in hepatic metabolism markers and fatty acid composition in sheep
L Hou, LI Hellgren, AH Kongsted, A Vaag, MO Nielsen
Acta Physiologica 210 (2), 317-329, 2014
Mandat: Danish Council for Strategic Research
O110 Effects of a novel anti-methanogenic feed additive on the enteric gas emission, feed intake and ruminal fermentation characteristics of dairy cows
M Thorsteinsson, P Lund, MR Weisbjerg, ALF Hellwing, HH Hansen, ...
Animal-science proceedings 13 (3), 379-380, 2022
Mandat: Innovation Fund Denmark
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 33
Impacts of prenatal nutrition on animal production and performance: A focus on growth and metabolic and endocrine function in sheep
P Khanal, MO Nielsen
Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology 8, 1-14, 2017
Mandat: Danish Council for Strategic Research
Late gestation undernutrition can predispose for visceral adiposity by altering fat distribution patterns and increasing the preference for a high-fat diet in early postnatal life
MO Nielsen, AH Kongsted, MP Thygesen, AB Strathe, S Caddy, ...
British Journal of Nutrition 109 (11), 2098-2110, 2013
Mandat: Danish Council for Strategic Research
Effects of alternative feed additives to medicinal zinc oxide on productivity, diarrhoea incidence and gut development in weaned piglets
GD Satessa, NJ Kjeldsen, M Mansouryar, HH Hansen, JK Bache, ...
Animal 14 (8), 1638-1646, 2020
Mandat: Innovation Fund Denmark
Late gestation over‐and undernutrition predispose for visceral adiposity in response to a post‐natal obesogenic diet, but with differential impacts on glucose–insulin …
P Khanal, SV Husted, AMD Axel, L Johnsen, KL Pedersen, MS Mortensen, ...
Acta Physiologica 210 (1), 110-126, 2014
Mandat: Danish Council for Strategic Research
Microbiome research as an effective driver of success stories in agrifood systems–a selection of case studies
R Olmo, SU Wetzels, JSL Armanhi, P Arruda, G Berg, T Cernava, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 13, 834622, 2022
Mandat: European Commission
Supplementation of a lacto-fermented rapeseed-seaweed blend promotes gut microbial-and gut immune-modulation in weaner piglets
Y Hui, P Tamez-Hidalgo, T Cieplak, GD Satessa, W Kot, S Kjærulff, ...
Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology 12, 1-14, 2021
Mandat: European Commission, Innovation Fund Denmark
Programming of glucose–insulin homoeostasis: long‐term consequences of pre‐natal versus early post‐natal nutrition insults. Evidence from a sheep model
AH Kongsted, MP Tygesen, SV Husted, MH Oliver, A Tolver, ...
Acta Physiologica 210 (1), 84-98, 2014
Mandat: Danish Council for Strategic Research
Targeted and untargeted metabolic profiling to discover bioactive compounds in seaweeds and hemp using gas and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
NP Nørskov, A Bruhn, A Cole, MO Nielsen
Metabolites 11 (5), 259, 2021
Mandat: Innovation Fund Denmark
L Johnsen, AH Kongsted, MO Nielsen
Journal of Endocrinology 216, 389-402, 2013
Mandat: Danish Council for Strategic Research
Long-term impacts of foetal malnutrition followed by early postnatal obesity on fat distribution pattern and metabolic adaptability in adult sheep
P Khanal, L Johnsen, AMD Axel, PW Hansen, AH Kongsted, ...
PloS one 11 (6), e0156700, 2016
Mandat: Danish Council for Strategic Research
Impact of Dietary Supplementation of Lactic Acid Bacteria Fermented Rapeseed with or without Macroalgae on Performance and Health of Piglets Following …
GD Satessa, P Tamez-Hidalgo, Y Hui, T Cieplak, L Krych, S Kjærulff, ...
Animals 10 (1), 137, 2020
Mandat: Innovation Fund Denmark
Intravenous supplementation of acetate, glucose or essential amino acids to an energy and protein deficient diet in lactating dairy goats: Effects on milk production and …
S Safayi, MO Nielsen
Small Ruminant Research 112 (1-3), 162-173, 2013
Mandat: Danish Council for Technology and Innovation, Danish Council for Independent …
Differential metabolic and endocrine adaptations in llamas, sheep, and goats fed high-and low-protein grass-based diets
A Kiani, L Alstrup, MO Nielsen
Domestic Animal Endocrinology 53, 9-16, 2015
Mandat: Danish Council for Independent Research
Pre-and early-postnatal nutrition modify gene and protein expressions of muscle energy metabolism markers and phospholipid fatty acid composition in a muscle type specific …
L Hou, AH Kongsted, SM Ghoreishi, TK Takhtsabzy, M Friedrichsen, ...
PloS one 8 (6), e65452, 2013
Mandat: Danish Council for Strategic Research
Differential impacts of late gestational over–and undernutrition on adipose tissue traits and associated visceral obesity risk upon exposure to a postnatal high‐fat diet in …
P Khanal, D Pandey, S Binti Ahmad, S Safayi, HN Kadarmideen, ...
Physiological Reports 8 (3), e14359, 2020
Mandat: Danish Council for Strategic Research
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