Wayne G Whitehouse
Wayne G Whitehouse
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The Temple-Wisconsin Cognitive Vulnerability to Depression Project: lifetime history of axis I psychopathology in individuals at high and low cognitive risk for depression.
LB Alloy, LY Abramson, ME Hogan, WG Whitehouse, DT Rose, ...
Journal of abnormal psychology 109 (3), 403, 2000
Prospective incidence of first onsets and recurrences of depression in individuals at high and low cognitive risk for depression.
LB Alloy, LY Abramson, WG Whitehouse, ME Hogan, C Panzarella, ...
Journal of abnormal psychology 115 (1), 145, 2006
Depressogenic cognitive styles: Predictive validity, information processing and personality characteristics, and developmental origins
LB Alloy, LY Abramson, WG Whitehouse, ME Hogan, NA Tashman, ...
Behaviour research and therapy 37 (6), 503-531, 1999
Leukocytosis and natural killer cell function parallel neurobehavioral fatigue induced by 64 hours of sleep deprivation.
DF Dinges, SD Douglas, L Zaugg, DE Campbell, JM McMann, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 93 (5), 1930-1939, 1994
History of childhood maltreatment, negative cognitive styles, and episodes of depression in adulthood
BE Gibb, LB Alloy, LY Abramson, DT Rose, WG Whitehouse, P Donovan, ...
Cognitive Therapy and Research 25, 425-446, 2001
Temporal placement of a nap for alertness: contributions of circadian phase and prior wakefulness
DF Dinges, MT Orne, WG Whitehouse, EC Orne
Sleep 10 (4), 313-329, 1987
Behavioral approach system and behavioral inhibition system sensitivities and bipolar spectrum disorders: Prospective prediction of bipolar mood episodes
LB Alloy, LY Abramson, PD Walshaw, A Cogswell, LD Grandin, ...
Bipolar disorders 10 (2), 310-322, 2008
Developmental origins of cognitive vulnerability to depression: Parenting, cognitive, and inferential feedback styles of the parents of individuals at high and low cognitive …
LB Alloy, LY Abramson, NA Tashman, DS Berrebbi, ME Hogan, ...
Cognitive Therapy and Research 25, 397-423, 2001
Cognitive styles and life events interact to predict bipolar and unipolar symptomatology.
NA Reilly-Harrington, LB Alloy, DM Fresco, WG Whitehouse
Journal of abnormal psychology 108 (4), 567, 1999
Home management of sickle cell-related pain in children and adolescents: natural history and impact on school attendance
BS Shapiro, DF Dinges, EC Orne, N Bauer, LB Reilly, WG Whitehouse, ...
Pain 61 (1), 139-144, 1995
The hopelessness theory of suicidality
T Joiner, MD Rudd, LY Abramson, LB Alloy, ME Hogan, WG Whitehouse, ...
Suicide science: Expanding the boundaries, 17-32, 2002
Suicidality and cognitive vulnerability to depression among college students: A prospective study
LY Abramson, LB Alloy, ME Hogan, WG Whitehouse, M Cornette, ...
Journal of Adolescence 21 (4), 473-487, 1998
Cognitive vulnerability to depression: Theory and evidence
LY Abramson, LB Alloy, ME Hogan, WG Whitehouse, P Donovan, ...
Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy 13 (1), 5, 1999
Cognitive styles and life events in subsyndromal unipolar and bipolar disorders: Stability and prospective prediction of depressive and hypomanic mood swings.
LB Alloy, N Reilly-Harrington, DM Fresco, WG Whitehouse, ...
Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy 13 (1), 1999
High Behavioral Approach System (BAS) sensitivity, reward responsiveness, and goal-striving predict first onset of bipolar spectrum disorders: a prospective behavioral high …
LB Alloy, RE Bender, WG Whitehouse, CA Wagner, RT Liu, DA Grant, ...
Journal of abnormal psychology 121 (2), 339, 2012
Expanded hopelessness theory of depression: On the mechanisms by which social support protects against depression
C Panzarella, LB Alloy, WG Whitehouse
Cognitive Therapy and Research 30, 307-333, 2006
Progression along the bipolar spectrum: a longitudinal study of predictors of conversion from bipolar spectrum conditions to bipolar I and II disorders.
LB Alloy, S Urošević, LY Abramson, S Jager-Hyman, R Nusslock, ...
Journal of abnormal psychology 121 (1), 16, 2012
Changes in the incidence of childhood autism and other autistic spectrum disorders in preschool children from two areas in the West Midlands, UK
JE Powell, A Edwards, M Edwards, BS Pandit, SR Sungum-Paliwal, ...
Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 42 (9), 624-628, 2000
Self-referent information-processing in individuals at high and low cognitive risk for depression
LB Alloy, LY Abramson, LA Murray, WG Whitehouse, ME Hogan
Cognition & Emotion 11 (5-6), 539-568, 1997
Behavioral approach system (BAS)–relevant cognitive styles and bipolar spectrum disorders: Concurrent and prospective associations.
LB Alloy, LY Abramson, PD Walshaw, RK Gerstein, JD Keyser, ...
Journal of abnormal psychology 118 (3), 459, 2009
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