M.A. Botchev (Bochev)
M.A. Botchev (Bochev)
Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics
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Implicit and semi-implicit schemes in the Versatile Advection Code: numerical tests
G Tóth, R Keppens, MA Bochev
Astronomy & astrophysics 332, 1159-1170, 1998
FINESSE: Axisymmetric MHD equilibria with flow
AJC Beliën, MA Botchev, JP Goedbloed, B van der Holst, R Keppens
Journal of computational physics 182 (1), 91-117, 2002
Residual, restarting, and Richardson iteration for the matrix exponential
MA Botchev, V Grimm, M Hochbruck
SIAM journal on scientific computing 35 (3), A1376-A1397, 2013
Comparison of computational codes for direct numerical simulations of turbulent Rayleigh–Bénard convection
GL Kooij, MA Botchev, EMA Frederix, BJ Geurts, S Horn, D Lohse, ...
Computers & Fluids 166, 1-8, 2018
Dispersion and dissipation error in high-order Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin discretisations of the Maxwell equations
D Sármány, MA Botchev, JJW van der Vegt
Journal of Scientific Computing 33, 47-74, 2007
Implicit and semi‐implicit schemes: Algorithms
R Keppens, G Tóth, MA Botchev, A Van Der Ploeg
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 30 (3), 335-352, 1999
A class of nonsymmetric preconditioners for saddle point problems
MA Botchev, GH Golub
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 27 (4), 1125-1149, 2006
Numerical integration of damped Maxwell equations
MA Botchev, JG Verwer
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 31 (2), 1322-1346, 2009
Multilevel iterative solvers for the edge finite element solution of the 3D Maxwell equation
OV Nechaev, EP Shurina, MA Botchev
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 55 (10), 2346-2362, 2008
Krylov subspace exponential time domain solution of Maxwell’s equations in photonic crystal modeling
MA Botchev
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 293, 20-34, 2016
Unconditionally stable integration of Maxwell’s equations
JG Verwer, MA Botchev
Linear Algebra and its Applications 431 (3-4), 300-317, 2009
ART: Adaptive residual-time restarting for Krylov subspace matrix exponential evaluations
MA Botchev, LA Knizhnerman
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 364, 112311, 2020
A block Krylov subspace time‐exact solution method for linear ordinary differential equation systems
MA Botchev
Numerical linear algebra with applications 20 (4), 557-574, 2013
A new approximate matrix factorization for implicit time integration in air pollution modeling
MA Botchev, JG Verwer
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 157 (2), 309-327, 2003
Application of operator splitting to the Maxwell equations including a source term
MA Botchev, I Faragó, R Horváth
Applied numerical mathematics 59 (3-4), 522-541, 2009
Testing weighted splitting schemes on a one-column transport-chemistry model
M Botchev, I Faragó, Á Havasi
International journal of environment and pollution 22 (1-2), 3-16, 2004
Direct numerical simulation of Nusselt number scaling in rotating Rayleigh–Bénard convection
GL Kooij, MA Botchev, BJ Geurts
International journal of heat and fluid flow 55, 26-33, 2015
Adaptive finite element techniques for the Maxwell equations using implicit a posteriori error estimates
D Harutyunyan, F Izsák, JJW van der Vegt, MA Botchev
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 197 (17-18), 1620-1638, 2008
Stability control for approximate implicit time stepping schemes with minimum residual iterations
MA Botchev, GLG Sleijpen, HA van der Vorst
Applied numerical mathematics 31 (3), 239-253, 1999
A zooming technique for wind transport of air pollution
PJF Berkvens, MA Botchev, WM Lioen, JG Verwer
Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, 1999
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