Smiljana Jošić
Smiljana Jošić
Institute for Educational Research, Belgrade
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Cross-linguistic patterns in the acquisition of quantifiers
N Katsos, C Cummins, MJ Ezeizabarrena, A Gavarró, J Kuvač Kraljević, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (33), 9244-9249, 2016
Scaffolding the development of creativity from the students’ perspective
S Maksić, S Jošić
Thinking Skills and Creativity 41, 100835, 2021
How contact shapes implicit and explicit preferences: attitudes toward R oma children in inclusive and non‐inclusive environment
I Žeželj, I Jakšić, S Jošić
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 45 (5), 263-273, 2015
The Acquisition of Quantification across Languages: Some Predictions
N Katsos, A Skordi, J de López, D Andjelković, M Savić, S Jošić
The 36th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, 2012
Challenges, obstacles and outcomes of applying inquiry method in primary school mathematics: example of an experienced teacher
J Radišić, S Jošić
Inovacije u nastavi-časopis za savremenu nastavu 28 (3), 99-115, 2015
Primjena i validacija testa implicitnih asocijacija u mjerenju implicitnih predrasuda kod djece
I Ćirović, S Jošić, I Žeželj
Suvremena psihologija 14 (2), 171-181, 2011
Teachers' perceptions of factors impeding school improvement in Serbia
S Jošić, V Džinović, I Ćirović
Psihologija 47 (2), 231-247, 2014
Национални извештај: TIMSS 2019 у Србији: преглед основних налаза
И Ђерић, Н Гутвајн, С Јошић, Н Шева
Београд: Институт за педагошка истраживања, 2020
What makes peer collaborative problem solving productive or unproductive: A qualitative systematic review
A Baucal, S Jošić, IS Ilić, M Videnović, J Ivanović, K Krstić
Educational Research Review 41, 100567, 2023
Vision of Personal Future as a Tool for Supporting Adolescents' Transition to Adulthood
N Polovina, S Jošić
Managing Global Transitions: International Research Journal 17 (3), 239-258, 2019
Scaffolding the learning in rural and urban schools: Similarities and differences
S Jošic, BJ Pavešic, N Gutvajn, M Rožman
Dinaric Perspectives on TIMSS 2019 213, 2022
The role of asymmetrical interaction in the assessment of nonverbal abilities of children from the drop-in center
J Nedić, S Jošić, A Baucal
Inovacije u nastavi-časopis za savremenu nastavu 28 (3), 189-206, 2015
Istraživački rad i rešavanje problema kao podsticaj stvaralaštva, inicijative i saradnje u nastavi. u: Šefer J
J Šefer, J Radišić, S Jošić
Radišić J.[ur.] Stvaralaštvo, inicijativa i saradnja-implikacije za …, 2012
Uloga vršnjačke interakcije u donošenju odluka desetogodišnjaka1
S Jošić, N Buđevac, A Baucal
Faktori postignuća učenika iz matematike i prirodnih nauka: TIMSS 2019 u Srbiji
S Jošić, J Teodorović, I Jakšić
TIMSS 2019 u Srbiji: rezultati međunarodnog istraživanja postignuća učenika …, 2021
Dialogical PISA: correct answers are all alike, every incorrect answer is incorrect in its own way
A Baucal, D Pavlović Babić, S Jošić
European Journal of Psychology of Education 33, 467-487, 2018
Novi pristup saradnji sa roditeljima kroz perspektivu nastavnika razredne i predmetne nastave
N Polovina, S Jošić, I Ćirović
Zbornik Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja 45 (2), 298-321, 2013
The issue of migration according to adolescents and their parents' perceptions of their future
N Polovina, I Ćirović, S Jošić
Inpact 2013: International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends …, 2013
Školska klima kao faktor obrazovne efektivnosti škola-sekundarna analiza podataka iz TIMSS 2015 studije
MB Vujačić, RS Đević, SM Jošić
Inovacije u nastavi-časopis za savremenu nastavu 33, 15-28, 2020
Learning dynamics during COVID-19 pandemic: High-school students in Serbia
S Jošić, I Đerić, N Ševa
Empirical studies in psychology, 66-66, 2021
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