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320 1999 Image sequence analysis via partial differential equations P Kornprobst, R Deriche, G Aubert
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175 2009 Mathematical problems in image processing, volume 147 of Applied Mathematical Sciences G Aubert, P Kornprobst
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148 2002 Adaptive structure tensors and their applications T Brox, R Van Den Boomgaard, F Lauze, J Van De Weijer, J Weickert, ...
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108 1997 Can the nonlocal characterization of Sobolev spaces by Bourgain et al. be useful for solving variational problems? G Aubert, P Kornprobst
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55 1999 Rank order coding: a retinal information decoding strategy revealed by large-scale multielectrode array retinal recordings G Portelli, JM Barrett, G Hilgen, T Masquelier, A Maccione, S Di Marco, ...
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54 2016 Pan-retinal characterisation of light responses from ganglion cells in the developing mouse retina G Hilgen, S Pirmoradian, D Pamplona, P Kornprobst, B Cessac, ...
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