Somesh Roy
Dikutip oleh
Dikutip oleh
Soot and spectral radiation modeling for high-pressure turbulent spray flames
SF Fernandez, C Paul, A Sircar, A Imren, DC Haworth, S Roy, MF Modest
Combustion and Flame 190, 402-415, 2018
Detailed modeling of a small-scale turbulent pool fire
B Wu, SP Roy, X Zhao
Combustion and Flame 214, 224-237, 2020
A Systematic Comparison of Detailed Soot Models and Gas-Phase Chemical Mechanisms in Laminar Premixed Flames
SP Roy, DC Haworth
Combustion Science and Technology 188 (7), 1021-1053, 2016
A detailed modeling study of radiative heat transfer in a heavy-duty diesel engine
C Paul, SF Fernandez, DC Haworth, S Roy, MF Modest
Combustion and Flame 200, 325-341, 2019
The coalescence of incipient soot clusters
A Sharma, KM Mukut, SP Roy, E Goudeli
Carbon 180, 215-225, 2021
Direct numerical simulations of non-premixed ethylene–air flames: Local flame extinction criterion
VR Lecoustre, PG Arias, SP Roy, Z Luo, DC Haworth, HG Im, TF Lu, ...
Combustion and Flame 161 (11), 2933-2950, 2014
A quasi-Monte Carlo solver for thermal radiation in participating media
J Farmer, S Roy
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 242, 106753, 2020
Monte carlo simulation for radiative transfer in a high-pressure industrial gas turbine combustion chamber
T Ren, MF Modest, S Roy
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 140 (5), 2018
Implementation of High-Order Spherical Harmonics Methods for Radiative Heat Transfer on openfoam
W Ge, R Marquez, MF Modest, SP Roy
Journal of Heat Transfer 137 (5), 052701, 2015
Effect of multiphase radiation on coal combustion in a pulverized coal jet flame
B Wu, SP Roy, X Zhao, MF Modest
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 197, 154-165, 2017
To appear in: Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer
B Wu, SP Roy, X Zhao, MF Modest
Note: Development of high-order P N models for radiative heat transfer in special geometries and boundary conditions
W Ge, MF Modest, SP Roy
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2015
Development of High Fidelity Soot Aerosol Dynamics Models using Method of Moments with Interpolative Closure
SP Roy, PG Arias, VR Lecoustre, DC Haworth, HG Im, A Trouvé
Aerosol Science and Technology 48 (4), 379-391, 2014
Aerosol-dynamics-based soot modeling of flames
SP Roy
The Pennsylvania State University, 2014
Modeling Thermal Radiation in Combustion Environments: Progress and Challenges
S Mazumder, SP Roy
Energies 16 (10), 4250, 2023
Comparison of spherical harmonics method and discrete ordinates method for radiative transfer in a turbulent jet flame
W Ge, C David, MF Modest, R Sankaran, SP Roy
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 296, 108459, 2023
Development of a multiphase photon Monte Carlo method for spray combustion and its application in high-pressure conditions
SP Roy, J Cai, MF Modest
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 115, 453-466, 2017
Modeling Radiative Heat Transfer in Engines
DC Haworth, SP Roy, J Cai, A Sircar, A Imren, MF Modest
International Multidimensional Engine Modeling User’s Group Meeting at the …, 2015
Assessment of narrow-band and full spectrum gas radiation methods in a real industrial glass furnace configuration
M Galtier, W Woelffel, F André, VP Solovjov, BW Webb, S Roy
Applied Thermal Engineering 216, 119020, 2022
A comparison of specularly reflective boundary conditions and rotationally invariant formulations for Discrete Ordinate Methods in axisymmetric geometries
J Cai, S Roy, MF Modest
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 182, 75-86, 2016
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