Pooya Razavi
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A compassionate self is a true self? Self-compassion promotes subjective authenticity
JW Zhang, S Chen, TK Tomova Shakur, B Bilgin, WJ Chai, T Ramis, ...
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 45 (9), 1323-1337, 2019
A multidimensional approach to the relationship between individualism-collectivism and guilt and shame.
IF Young, P Razavi, TR Cohen, Q Yang, M Alabèrnia-Segura, D Sullivan
Emotion 21 (1), 108-122, 2021
Cross-cultural similarities and differences in the experience of awe.
P Razavi, JW Zhang, D Hekiert, SH Yoo, RT Howell
Emotion 16 (8), 1097-1101, 2016
Awe is associated with creative personality, convergent creativity, and everyday creativity.
JW Zhang, RT Howell, P Razavi, H Shaban-Azad, WJ Chai, T Ramis, ...
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 18 (2), 209, 2024
The big five across socioeconomic status: measurement invariance, relationships, and age trends
BT Hughes, CK Costello, J Pearman, P Razavi, C Bedford-Petersen, ...
Collabra: Psychology 7 (1), 24431, 2021
Victim number effects in charitable giving: Joint evaluations promote egalitarian decisions
A Garinther, H Arrow, P Razavi
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 48 (1), 34-48, 2022
Gheirat as a complex emotional reaction to relational boundary violations: A mixed-methods investigation.
P Razavi, H Shaban-Azad, S Srivastava
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 124 (1), 179-214, 2023
Gheirat as a complex emotional reaction to relational boundary violations
P Razavi, H Shaban-Azad, S Srivastava
PsyArXiv. doi 10, 2020
Benefits associated with experiential and material purchases may depend on culture
P Razavi, H Shaban-Azad, WJ Chai, JW Zhang, NH Nguyen, RT Howell
Social Psychological and Personality Science 11 (5), 626-637, 2020
Linking Exact Path Diagnostic and Florida FAST Scores
P Razavi, Y He, C Oberle, J Choi, H Nguyen, S Powers
Linking Exact Path Diagnostic and Pennsylvania’s PSSA Scores
Y He, C Oberle, P Razavi, J Choi, H Nguyen, S Powers
Social Consequences of Anger Expression: The Role of Target of Harm and Expresser’s Gender
P Razavi, SD Hodges, DM Condon, DT Wagner, S Srivastava
OSF, 2023
Complexities and Lessons in Researching Culture-Specific Experiences
P Razavi, K Gorur, A Iyer, M Silan
APS Observer, 2023
Understanding the Misunderstood Emotion: A Mixed-Methods Investigation of Variants of Anger
P Razavi
University of Oregon, 2023
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