Krystyna Pietrzak
Krystyna Pietrzak
Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej od 01.07.2015
Email yang diverifikasi di imp.edu.pl - Beranda
Dikutip oleh
Dikutip oleh
Factors affecting wettability and bond strength of solder joint couples
N Sobczak, A Kudyba, R Nowak, W Radziwill, K Pietrzak
Pure and Applied Chemistry 79 (10), 1755-1769, 2007
Damage development of Al/SiC metal matrix composite under fatigue, creep and monotonic loading conditions
A Rutecka, ZL Kowalewski, K Pietrzak, L Dietrich, K Makowska, J Woźniak, ...
Procedia Engineering 10, 1420-1425, 2011
Creep and low cycle fatigue investigations of light aluminium alloys for engine cylinder heads
A Rutecka, ZL Kowalewski, K Pietrzak, L Dietrich, W Rehm
Strain 47, 374-381, 2011
Changes of properties of aluminum matrix composite reinforced with SiC particles after multiple remelting
A. Klasik, J. Sobczak, K. Pietrzak
Materials Research Innovations 15 (S1), 249-252, 2011
Factors determining growth of diffusion layers on low carbon steel and iron during vacuum chromising
E Kasprzycka, J Tacikowski, K Pietrzak
Surface engineering 12 (3), 229-234, 1996
Structural aspects of the behavior of lead-free solder in the corrosive solution
K Pietrzak, M Grobelny, K Makowska, N Sobczak, D Rudnik, ...
Journal of materials engineering and performance 21, 648-654, 2012
Evaluation of damage in steels subjected to exploitation loading-destructive and non-destructive methods
ZL Kowalewski, S Mackiewicz, J Szelążek, K Pietrzak, B Augustyniak
International Journal of Modern Physics B 22 (31n32), 5533-5538, 2008
Atlas of cast metal-matrix composites structures
J Sobczak, N Sobczak, R Asthana, A Wojciechowski, K Pietrzak, D Rudnik
Published by Motor Transport Institute, Warsaw, and Foundry Research …, 2007
Ocena własności tribologicznych kompozytowych tarcz hamulcowych
A Wojciechowski, K Pietrzak, J Sobczak, Z Bojar
Kompozyty (Composites) 2 (4), 223-228, 2002
Damage evolution in AA2124/SiC metal matrix composites under tension with consecutive unloadings
A Rutecka, M Kursa, K Pietrzak, K Kowalczyk-Gajewska, K Makowska, ...
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 20 (4), 135, 2020
Wear Resistance of Aluminum Matrix Composites Reinforced with Al2O3 Particles After Multiple Remelting
A. Klasik, K. Pietrzak, K. Makowska, J. Sobczak, A. Wojciechowski, D. Rudnik
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 25 (1 on line, 2 in …, 2016
Fatigue Life and Microstructure After Multiple Remelting of A359 Matrix Composites Reinforced With SiC Particles
A Klasik, M Maj, K Pietrzak, A Wojciechowski, J Sobczak
Arch. Metall. Mater 61, 2123-2128, 2016
Relationship between mechanical properties of lead-free solders and their heat treatment parameters
A Klasik, N Sobczak, K Pietrzak, K Makowska, A Wojciechowski, ...
Journal of materials engineering and performance 21, 620-628, 2012
Odzysk materiałowy w recyklingu wielomateriałowych części pojazdów samochodowych jako etap wdrażania gospodarki zamkniętego obiegu
A Doliński, A Wojciechowski, K Pietrzak, K Dolińska, M Wołosiak
20th Inetrnational Conference "Computer Systems aided Science, Industry and …, 2016
Modified low-cycle fatigue (LCF) test
M Maj, A Klasik, K Pietrzak, D Rudnik
Metalurgija 54 (1), 207-210, 2015
Fatigue damage of Al/SiC composites-macroscopic and microscopic analysis
A Rutecka, ZL Kowalewski, K Makowska, P Pietrzak, L Dietrich
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials 60, 2015
Influence of multiple remelting of particulate reinforced cast aluminium composites on their properties and structure
A Klasik, J Sobczak, K Pietrzak, N Sobczak, A Wojciechowski
Warszawa: Motor Transport Institute, Kraków: Foundry Research Institute, 2012
Atlas struktur kompozytów metalowych
J Sobczak, N Sobczak, A Wojciechowski, K Pietrzak, D Rudnik
Wydawnictwo Instytutu Transportu Samochodowego, Warszawa, 2004
New material solutions in combustion engines
D Rudnik, J Sobczak, A Wojciechowski, K Pietrzak
Journal of KONES Internal Combustion Engines 10 (3-4), 11, 2003
Microstructural aspects of fatigue parameters of Sn-Zn lead-free solders with various Zn content
K Pietrzak, A Klasik, M Maj, A Wojciechowski, N Sobczak
Materiały konferencyjne z 57 Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej …, 2016
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