Witold Elsner
Dikutip oleh
Dikutip oleh
Experimental and economic study of small-scale CHP installation equipped with downdraft gasifier and internal combustion engine
W Elsner, M Wysocki, P Niegodajew, R Borecki
Applied Energy 202, 213-227, 2017
On the measurement of turbulence energy dissipation
JW Elsner, W Elsner
Measurement Science and Technology 7 (10), 1334, 1999
Gradient-free methods applied to optimisation of advanced ultra-supercritical power plant
Ł Kowalczyk, W Elsner, P Niegodajew, M Marek
Applied Thermal Engineering 96, 200-208, 2016
Scaling of streamwise Reynolds stress for turbulent boundary layers with pressure gradient
A Dróżdż, W Elsner, S Drobniak
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 49, 137-145, 2015
Effect of finite spatial resolution of hot-wire anemometry on measurements of turbulence energy dissipation
JW Elsner, P Domagala, W Elsner
Measurement Science and Technology 4 (4), 517, 1999
The effect of wake parameters on the transitional boundary layer on turbine blade
R Zarzycki, W Elsner
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of …, 2005
LES modeling of converging-diverging turbulent channel flow
L Kuban, JP Laval, W Elsner, A Tyliszczak, M Marquillie
Journal of Turbulence, N11, 2012
Experimental analysis of turbulent boundary layer under the influence of adverse pressure gradient
M Materny, A Dróżdż, S Drobniak, W Elsner
Archives of Mechanics 60 (6), 449-466, 2008
Power plant optimisation—effective use of the Nelder-Mead approach
P Niegodajew, M Marek, W Elsner, Ł Kowalczyk
Processes 8 (3), 357, 2020
Calculation of a 900 MW conceptual 700/720° C coal-fired power unit with an auxiliary extraction-backpressure turbine.
K Stępczyńska, Ł Kowalczyk, S Dykasa, W Elsnerb
Journal of power technologies 92 (4), 2012
Transition prediction on turbine blade profile with intermittency transport equation
W Piotrowski, W Elsner, S Drobniak
Further development of a dynamic intermittency model for wake-induced transition
S Kubacki, K Lodefier, R Zarzycki, W Elsner, E Dick
Flow, turbulence and combustion 83, 539-568, 2009
Numerical modelling of CO2 desorption process coupled with phase transformation and heat transfer in CCS installation
P Niegodajew, D Asendrych, S Drobniak, W Elsner
Journal of Power Technologies 93 (5), 354, 2013
Effect of Reynolds number on turbulent boundary layer approaching separation
A Dróżdż, P Niegodajew, M Romańczyk, W Elsner
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 125, 110377, 2021
Numerical study of transitional rough wall boundary layer
W Elsner, P Warzecha
Journal of Turbomachinery 136 (1), 011010, 2014
Effective use of the streamwise waviness in the control of turbulent separation
A Dróżdż, P Niegodajew, M Romańczyk, V Sokolenko, W Elsner
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 121, 110291, 2021
Thermodynamic analysis of a thermal cycle of supercritical power plant
W Elsner, Ł Kowalczyk, P Niegodajew, S Drobniak
Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering 15 (3), 217-225, 2011
Amplitude modulation and its relation to streamwise convection velocity
A Dróżdż, W Elsner
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 63, 67-74, 2017
An experimental study of turbulent boundary layers approaching separation
A Dróżdż, W Elsner
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 68, 337-347, 2017
Comparison of two unsteady intermittency models for bypass transition prediction on a turbine blade profile
W Piotrowski, K Lodefier, S Kubacki, W Elsner, E Dick
Flow, turbulence and combustion 81, 369-394, 2008
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