Era Purwanto
Era Purwanto
Email yang diverifikasi di pens.ac.id
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Design of PID-fuzzy for speed control of brushless DC motor in dynamic electric vehicle to improve steady-state performance
A Jaya, E Purwanto, MB Fauziah, FD Murdianto, G Prabowo, MR Rusli
2017 International electronics symposium on engineering technology and …, 2017
Speed control of three phase induction motor using indirect field oriented control based on real-time control system
I Ferdiansyah, MR Rusli, B Praharsena, H Toar, E Purwanto
2018 10th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical …, 2018
Fuzzy gain scheduling of PID (FGS-PID) for speed control three phase induction motor based on indirect field oriented control (IFOC)
I Ferdiansyah, E Purwanto, NA Windarko
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology 4 (2), 237-258, 2016
Modeling and simulation of mppt sepic-buck converter series using flower pollination algorithm (fpa)-pi controller in dc microgrid isolated system
FD Murdianto, AR Nansur, ASL Hermawan, E Purwanto, A Jaya, ...
2018 International Electrical Engineering Congress (iEECON), 1-4, 2018
The effectivity of the law protection on the sustainability of Yellow-Crested Cockatoos (cacatua sulphurea) in Indonesia
E Purwanto
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1151 (1), 012007, 2023
Adaptive load shedding of the power system based on neural network
MH Purnomo, CA Patria, E Purwanto
2002 IEEE Region 10 Conference on Computers, Communications, Control and …, 2002
Design of PID controllers for speed control of three phase induction motor based on direct-axis current (Id) coordinate using IFOC
I Ferdiansyah, LPS Raharja, DS Yanaratri, E Purwanto
2019 4th International Conference on Information Technology, Information …, 2019
E-procurement di Indonesia; Pengembangan layanan pengadaan barang dan jasa pemerintah secara elektronik
E Purwanto, I Ibthy, N Rofikoh, P Indroyono
Partnership/LPSE Nasional, 2009
Design and implementation of SVPWM inverter to reduce total harmonic distortion (THD) on three phase induction motor speed regulation using constant V/f
A Sudaryanto, E Purwanto, I Ferdiansyah, SD Nugraha, OA Qudsi, ...
2020 3rd International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and …, 2020
Implementation of genetic algorithm for induction motor speed control based on vector control method
E Purwanto, E Wahjono, I Ferdiansyah, DS Yanaratri, LPS Raharja, ...
2019 International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and …, 2019
Desain kontrol kecepatan motor induksi tiga fasa menggunakan fuzzy pid berbasis idirect field oriented control
R Ridwan, E Purwanto, H Oktavianto, MR Rusli, H Toar
Jurnal Integrasi 11 (2), 146-155, 2019
Pulse width modulation (PWM) and pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) technique for medium-speed BLDCM in electric vehicle application
MR Rusli, H Rahmatullah, MB Fauziah, A Jaya, MM Rifadil, E Purwanto
2018 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and …, 2018
Application of adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system on the development of the observer for speed sensor less induction motor
E Purwanto, S Arifin, BS So
Proceedings of IEEE Region 10 International Conference on Electrical and …, 2001
Evaluation of hysteresis loss curve on 3 phase induction motor by using cascade feed forward neural network
B Praharsena, E Purwanto, A Jaya, MR Rusli, H Toar, A Aditya, ...
2018 International Electronics Symposium on Engineering Technology and …, 2018
The performance of FOSMC and boundary-SMC in speed controller and current regulator for IFOC-based induction motor drive
AW Aditya, MR Rusli, B Praharsena, E Purwanto, DC Happyanto, ...
2018 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and …, 2018
Design and simulation of sensorless BLDC motor drive using flux linkage increment based on the line-to-line BEMF for electric vehicles
A Jaya, E Wahjono, MR Rusli, E Purwanto, FD Murdianto, MB Fauziah
2017 International Electronics Symposium on Engineering Technology and …, 2017
Kendali Kecepatan Motor Induksi 3 Fase Berbasis Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Teknik Energi Elektrik, Teknik Telekomunikasi, & Teknik …, 2020
Pengembangan Model Motor Induksi sebagai Penggerak Mobil Listrik dengan Menggunakan Metode Vektor Kontrol
E Purwanto, G Prabowo, E Wahyono, MM Rifadil
Jurnal Ilmiah ELITE Elektro (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya …, 2011
Environmental awareness and intention to reduce food waste among urban people
E Purwanto, A Yulianto, N Biasini, JR Octavia, VO Wati
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1168 (1), 012048, 2023
The heritage tourism development as the sustainable development goal of the enclave settlement: A preliminary research
E Purwanto, R Sjarief, A Dawan, H Tannady
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 990 (1), 012010, 2020
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