Richard M. Myers
Richard M. Myers
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Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome
US DOE Joint Genome Institute: Hawkins Trevor 4 Branscomb Elbert 4 Predki ...
nature 409 (6822), 860-921, 2001
An integrated encyclopedia of DNA elements in the human genome
ENCODE Project Consortium
Nature 489 (7414), 57, 2012
Model-based analysis of ChIP-Seq (MACS)
Y Zhang, T Liu, CA Meyer, J Eeckhoute, DS Johnson, BE Bernstein, ...
Genome biology 9, 1-9, 2008
Comprehensive genomic characterization defines human glioblastoma genes and core pathways
Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network Tissue source sites: Duke University ...
Nature 455 (7216), 1061-1068, 2008
Identification and analysis of functional elements in 1% of the human genome by the ENCODE pilot project
Management Group Liefer Laura A. 51 Wetterstrand Kris A. 51 Good Peter J. 51 ...
nature 447 (7146), 799-816, 2007
Integrated genomic analyses of ovarian carcinoma
Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network
Nature 474 (7353), 609, 2011
Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome
International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium
Nature 431 (7011), 931-945, 2004
Genome-wide mapping of in vivo protein-DNA interactions
DS Johnson, A Mortazavi, RM Myers, B Wold
Science 316 (5830), 1497-1502, 2007
A reference panel of 64,976 haplotypes for genotype imputation
Nature genetics 48 (10), 1279-1283, 2016
Identification of risk loci with shared effects on five major psychiatric disorders: a genome-wide analysis
Cross-Disorder Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium
The Lancet 381 (9875), 1371-1379, 2013
Generation and initial analysis of more than 15,000 full-length human and mouse cDNA sequences
Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC) Program Team*
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (26), 16899-16903, 2002
The ENCODE (ENCyclopedia of DNA elements) project
EA Feingold, PJ Good, MS Guyer, S Kamholz, L Liefer, K Wetterstrand, ...
Science 306 (5696), 636-640, 2004
Genetic relationship between five psychiatric disorders estimated from genome-wide SNPs
B Devlin, JR Kelsoe, P Sklar, MJ Daly, MC O'Donovan, N Craddock, ...
Nature genetics 45 (9), 984-994, 2013
Worldwide human relationships inferred from genome-wide patterns of variation
JZ Li, DM Absher, H Tang, AM Southwick, AM Casto, S Ramachandran, ...
science 319 (5866), 1100-1104, 2008
Human Homolog of patched, a Candidate Gene for the Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome
RL Johnson, AL Rothman, J Xie, LV Goodrich, JW Bare, JM Bonifas, ...
Science 272 (5268), 1668-1671, 1996
ChIP-seq guidelines and practices of the ENCODE and modENCODE consortia
SG Landt, GK Marinov, A Kundaje, P Kheradpour, F Pauli, S Batzoglou, ...
Genome research 22 (9), 1813-1831, 2012
Evolving gene/transcript definitions significantly alter the interpretation of GeneChip data
M Dai, P Wang, AD Boyd, G Kostov, B Athey, EG Jones, WE Bunney, ...
Nucleic acids research 33 (20), e175-e175, 2005
The genomic basis of adaptive evolution in threespine sticklebacks
FC Jones, MG Grabherr, YF Chan, P Russell, E Mauceli, J Johnson, ...
Nature 484 (7392), 55-61, 2012
Attachment of a 40-base-pair G+ C-rich sequence (GC-clamp) to genomic DNA fragments by the polymerase chain reaction results in improved detection of single-base changes.
VC Sheffield, DR Cox, LS Lerman, RM Myers
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 86 (1), 232-236, 1989
Architecture of the human regulatory network derived from ENCODE data
MB Gerstein, A Kundaje, M Hariharan, SG Landt, KK Yan, C Cheng, ...
Nature 489 (7414), 91-100, 2012
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