Amin Leksono
Amin Leksono
Email yang diverifikasi di ub.ac.id - Beranda
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Ekologi pendekatan deskriptif dan kuantitatif
AS Leksono
Bayu Media. Malang 1 (11), 2007
Keanekaragaman hayati : teori & aplikasi
AS Leksono
UB Press 1, 1-162, 2011
Struktur komunitas dan asosiasi gastropoda dengan tumbuhan lamun di perairan Pesisir Lamongan Jawa Timur
RB Hitalessy, AS Leksono, EY Herawati
Indonesian Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development 6 (1), 64-73, 2015
Pengelolaan Limbah Medis Padat di Puskesmas Borong Kabupaten Manggarai Timur Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur
D Rahno, J Roebijoso, AS Leksono
Indonesian Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development 6 (1), 2015
Vertical and seasonal distribution of flying beetles in a suburban temperate deciduous forest collected by water pan trap
AS Leksono, K Takada, S Koji, N Nakagoshi, T Anggraeni, K Nakamura
Insect Science 12 (3), 199-206, 2005
Kajian Komposisi Serangga Polinator pada Tumbuhan Penutup Tanah di Poncokusumo Malang
B Purwantiningsih, AS Leksono, B Yanuwiadi
Jurnal Hayati 17 (2), 165-172, 2012
Refugia sebagai mikrohabitat untuk meningkatkan peran musuh alami di lahan pertanian
ANA Allifah, B Yanuwiadi, ZP Gama, AS Leksono
Prosiding FMIPA Universitas Pattimura 2 (1), 113-115, 2013
Composition and diversity of soil arthropods of Rajegwesi Meru Betiri National Park
H Zayadi, L Hakim, AS Leksono
Journal of tropical life science 3 (3), 166-171, 2013
Ekologi Arthropoda
AS Leksono
Invasive plant species and the competitiveness of wildlife tourist destination: A case of sadengan feeding area at Alas Purwo National Park, Indonesia
L Hakim, AS Leksono, D Purwaningtyas, N Nakagoshi
Journal of International Development and Cooperation 12 (1), 35-45, 2005
The effect of organic farming systems on species diversity
AS Leksono
AIP Conference Proceedings 1908 (1), 2017
Effect of water quality on phytoplankton abundance in Hampalam river and fish pond of Batanjung village
E Veronica, AS Leksono, AD Soemarno, D Arfiati
Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology 8 (1), 2319 …, 2014
Vertical and seasonal variation in the abundance and the species richness of Attelabidae and Cantharidae (Coleoptera) in a suburban mixed forest
AS Leksono, N Nakagoshi, K Takada, K Nakamura
Entomological Science 8 (3), 235-243, 2005
Integrating visibility analysis in rural spatial planning
D Poerwoningsih, AS Leksono, AW Hasyim
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 227, 838-844, 2016
Interaksi antara capung dengan Arthropoda dan Vertebrata predator di Kepanjen, Kabupaten Malang
BPI Dalia, AS Leksono
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology 2 (1), 26-30, 2014
Distribusi dan komposisi nyamuk di wilayah Mojokerto
M Islamiyah, AS Leksono, ZP Gama
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology 1 (2), 80-85, 2013
Oxidative stress and kidney glycation in rats exposed cadmium
E Suhartono, LAS Triawanti, MS Djati
International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications 5 (6), 497-501, 2014
The role of cadmium in proteins glycation by glucose: formation of methylglyoxal and hydrogen peroxide in vitro
E Suhartono, T Triawanti, A Setyo Leksono, M Sasmito Djati
Journal of Medical and Bioengineering 3 (1), 59-62, 2014
Kajian komposisi serangga polinator tanaman apel (Malus sylvestris Mill) di desa Poncokusumo kabupaten Malang
FL Apituley, AS Leksono, B Yanuwiadi
El-Hayah 2 (2), 85-96, 2012
Analisis potensi ruang terbuka hijau Kota Malang sebagai areal pelestarian burung
F Handoyo, L Hakim, AS Leksono
Indonesian Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development 7 (2), 86-95, 2016
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