Aldino Bondesan
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Holocene relative sea-level changes and vertical movements along the Italian and Istrian coastlines
F Antonioli, L Ferranti, A Fontana, A Amorosi, A Bondesan, C Braitenberg, ...
Quaternary International 206 (1-2), 102-133, 2009
Alluvial megafans in the Venetian–Friulian Plain (north-eastern Italy): evidence of sedimentary and erosive phases during Late Pleistocene and Holocene
A Fontana, P Mozzi, A Bondesan
Quaternary International 189 (1), 71-90, 2008
Geomorfologia della provincia di Venezia
A Bondesan, M Meneghel
Esedra, 2004
Morphometric analysis of dolines
A Bondesan, U Sauro, M Meneghel
Università di Trieste. Istituto di geologia e paleontologia, 1992
Wetlands in the Venetian Po Plain (northeastern Italy) during the Last Glacial Maximum: Interplay between vegetation, hydrology and sedimentary environment
A Miola, A Bondesan, L Corain, S Favaretto, P Mozzi, S Piovan, I Sostizzo
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 141 (1-2), 53-81, 2006
Geomorphological evolution and sediment transfer in the Piave River system (northeastern Italy) since the Last Glacial Maximum
A Carton, A Bondesan, A Fontana, M Meneghel, A Miola, P Mozzi, ...
Géomorphologie: relief, processus, environnement 15 (3), 155-174, 2009
Post-LGM sedimentation and Holocene shoreline evolution in the NW Adriatic coastal area
A Amorosi, A Fontana, F Antonioli, S Primon, A Bondesan
GeoActa 7, 41-67, 2008
Current transition from glacial to periglacial processes in the Dolomites (South-Eastern Alps)
R Seppi, T Zanoner, A Carton, A Bondesan, R Francese, L Carturan, ...
Geomorphology 228, 71-86, 2015
Late pleistocene evolution of the Venetian–Friulian Plain
A Fontana, P Mozzi, A Bondesan
Rendiconti Lincei 21, 181-196, 2010
Current behaviour and dynamics of the lowermost Italian glacier (Montasio Occidentale, Julian Alps)
L Carturan, GA Baldassi, A Bondesan, S Calligaro, A Carton, F Cazorzi, ...
Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 95 (1), 79-96, 2013
Linking landfast sea ice variability to marine ice accretion at Hells Gate Ice Shelf, Ross Sea
JL Tison, RD Lorrain, A Bouzette, M Dini, A Bondesan, M Stiévenard
Antarctic Research Series 74, 375-407, 1998
Artificial fluvial diversions in the mainland of the Lagoon of Venice during the 16th and 17th centuries inferred by historical cartography analysis
A Bondesan, P Furlanetto
Géomorphologie: relief, processus, environnement 18 (2), 175-200, 2012
L’evoluzione geomorfologica della pianura veneto-friulana
A Fontana, A Bondesan
Geomorfologia della provincia di Venezia, 113-138, 2004
Carta Geomorfologica della Pianura Padana a scala 1: 250.000.
GB Castiglioni, R Ajassa, C Baroni, A Biancotti, A Bondesan, M Bondesan, ...
Alluvial megafans in the Veneto-Friuli Plain: evidence of aggrading and erosive phases during Late Pleistocene and Holocene
A Fontana, P Mozzi, A Bondesan
Quaternary International 189 (1), 71-90, 2008
Significant marine-ice accumulation in the ablation zone beneath an Antarctic ice shelf
A Khazendar, JL Tison, B Stenni, M Dini, A Bondesan
Journal of Glaciology 47 (158), 359-368, 2001
Le unità geologiche della provincia di Venezia
A Bondesan, S Primon, V Bassan, A Vitturi
Cierre, 2008
L'assetto geomorfologico della pianura veneta centro-orientale: stato delle conoscenze e nuovi dati.
A Bondesan, G Calderoni, P Mozzi
Dip. to di Geografia Università di Padova, 2002
Report of the Glaciological Survey of 2011
C Baroni, A Bondesan, G Mortara
Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria 35 (2), 211-279, 2012
High-precision levelling, DInSAR and geomorphological effects in the Emilia 2012 epicentral area
R Caputo, A Pellegrinelli, C Bignami, A Bondesan, A Mantovani, ...
Geomorphology 235, 106-117, 2015
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