nathan morrow
nathan morrow
Associate Research Professor at International Health and Sustainable Development department, Tulane
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Application of the MODIS global supervised classification model to vegetation and land cover mapping of Central America
D Muchoney, J Borak, H Chi, M Friedl, S Gopal, J Hodges, N Morrow, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 21 (6-7), 1115-1138, 2000
Independent evaluation of the Ushahidi Haiti project
N Morrow, N Mock, A Papendieck, N Kocmich
Development Information Systems International 8 (2011), 111, 2011
Land quality, sustainable development and environmental degradation in agricultural districts: A computational approach based on entropy indexes
LS Ilaria Zambon a,⁎, Andrea Colantoni a, Margherita Carlucci b, Nathan ...
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 64, 37–46, 2017
Clarifying concepts and categories of assumptions for use in evaluation
AM Nkwake, N Morrow
Evaluation and program planning 59, 97-101, 2016
From complexity to food security decision-support: Novel methods of assessment and their role in enhancing the timeliness and relevance of food and nutrition security information
N Mock, N Morrow, A Papendieck
Global Food Security 2 (1), 41-49, 2013
Lost in convergence, found in vulnerability: A spatially-dynamic model for desertification risk assessment in Mediterranean agro-forest districts
I Tombolini, A Colantoni, G Renzi, A Sateriano, A Sabbi, N Morrow, ...
Science of the Total Environment 569, 973-981, 2016
Knowing just in time: use cases for mobile surveys in the humanitarian world
N Morrow, N Mock, JM Bauer, J Browning
Procedia engineering 159, 210-216, 2016
Modeling biophysical controls on land surface temperature and reflectance in grasslands
N Morrow, MA Friedl
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 92 (3), 147-161, 1998
Soil degradation and socioeconomic systems’ complexity: uncovering the latent nexus
F Gambella, G Quaranta, N Morrow, R Vcelakova, L Salvati, ...
Land 10 (1), 30, 2021
Rooting the future; on-farm trees’ contribution to household energy security and asset creation as a resilient development pathway—evidence from a 20-year panel in rural Ethiopia
N Morrow, L Salvati, A Colantoni, N Mock
Sustainability 10 (12), 4716, 2018
Protective pathways: Connecting environmental and human security at local and landscape level with NLP and geospatial analysis of a novel database of 1500 project evaluations
N Morrow, NB Mock, A Gatto, J LeMense, M Hudson
Land 11 (1), 123, 2022
Finding the right balance between standardisation and flexibility: a compendium of indicators for measuring child well-being
I Carboni, N Morrow
Child Indicators Research 4 (4), 597-618, 2011
Volume overview: Working with assumptions. Existing and emerging approaches for improved program design, monitoring and evaluation
AM Nkwake, N Morrow
Evaluation and program planning 59, 94-96, 2016
mVAM: A new contribution to the information ecology of humanitarian work
N Mock, G Singhal, W Olander, JB Pasquier, N Morrow
Procedia Engineering 159, 217-221, 2016
Sustainable land-use, wildfires, and evolving local contexts in a mediterranean country, 2000–2015
M Marchi, F Chianucci, C Ferrara, G Pontuale, E Pontuale, A Mavrakis, ...
Sustainability 10 (11), 3911, 2018
Conclusion: Agency in the face of complexity and the future of assumption-aware evaluation practice
N Morrow, AM Nkwake
Evaluation and Program Planning 59, 154-160, 2016
Measure of indigenous perennial staple crop, Ensete ventricosum, associated with positive food security outcomes in southern Ethiopian highlands
N Morrow, JS Borrell, NB Mock, L Büchi, A Gatto, E Lulekal
Food Policy 117, 102451, 2023
Uncovering the role of biophysical factors and socioeconomic forces shaping soil sensitivity to degradation: Insights from Italy
F Gambella, A Colantoni, G Egidi, N Morrow, M Prokopová, L Salvati, ...
Soil Systems 5 (1), 11, 2021
Assumption-aware tools and agency; an interrogation of the primary artifacts of the program evaluation and design profession in working with complex evaluands and complex contexts
N Morrow, AM Nkwake
Evaluation and Program Planning 59, 141-153, 2016
Independent evaluation of the Ushahidi Haiti Project. Development Information Systems International Ushahidi Haiti Project
N Morrow, N Mock, A Papendieck, N Kocmich
Tech. rep. Ushahidi, 2011
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