Juan Manzanero
Juan Manzanero
ETSIAE-UPM (School of Aeronautics in Madrid)
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Design of a Smagorinsky spectral Vanishing Viscosity turbulence model for discontinuous Galerkin methods
J Manzanero, E Ferrer, G Rubio, E Valero
Computers & Fluids 200, 104440, 2020
: A high-order discontinuous Galerkin solver for flow simulations and multi-physics applications
E Ferrer, G Rubio, G Ntoukas, W Laskowski, OA Mariño, S Colombo, ...
Computer Physics Communications 287, 108700, 2023
Insights on aliasing driven instabilities for advection equations with application to Gauss-Lobatto discontinuous Galerkin methods
J Manzanero, G Rubio, E Ferrer, E Valero, DA Kopriva
Journal of Scientific Computing, 2017
Entropy–stable discontinuous Galerkin approximation with summation–by–parts property for the incompressible Navier–Stokes/Cahn–Hilliard system
J Manzanero, G Rubio, DA Kopriva, E Ferrer, E Valero
Journal of Computational Physics 408, 109363, 2020
A p-multigrid strategy with anisotropic p-adaptation based on truncation errors for high-order discontinuous Galerkin methods
AM Rueda-Ramírez, J Manzanero, E Ferrer, G Rubio, E Valero
Journal of Computational Physics 378, 209-233, 2019
An entropy–stable discontinuous Galerkin approximation for the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations with variable density and artificial compressibility
J Manzanero, G Rubio, DA Kopriva, E Ferrer, E Valero
Journal of Computational Physics 408, 109241, 2020
Dispersion-dissipation analysis for advection problems with nonconstant coefficients: Applications to discontinuous Galerkin formulations
J Manzanero, G Rubio, E Ferrer, E Valero
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 40 (2), A747-A768, 2018
The Bassi Rebay 1 scheme is a special case of the Symmetric Interior Penalty formulation for discontinuous Galerkin discretisations with Gauss–Lobatto points
J Manzanero, AM Rueda-Ramírez, G Rubio, E Ferrer
Journal of Computational Physics 363, 1-10, 2018
A free–energy stable nodal discontinuous Galerkin approximation with summation–by–parts property for the Cahn–Hilliard equation
J Manzanero, G Rubio, DA Kopriva, E Ferrer, E Valero
Journal of Computational Physics 403, 109072, 2020
A free–energy stable p–adaptive nodal discontinuous Galerkin for the Cahn–Hilliard equation
G Ntoukas, J Manzanero, G Rubio, E Valero, E Ferrer
Journal of Computational Physics 442, 110409, 2021
An entropy stable spectral vanishing viscosity for discontinuous Galerkin schemes: application to shock capturing and LES models
A Mateo-Gabín, J Manzanero, E Valero
Journal of Computational Physics 471, 111618, 2022
An entropy–stable discontinuous Galerkin approximation of the Spalart–Allmaras turbulence model for the compressible Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes equations
D Lodares, J Manzanero, E Ferrer, E Valero
Journal of Computational Physics 455, 110998, 2022
An entropy–stable p–adaptive nodal discontinuous Galerkin for the coupled Navier–Stokes/Cahn–Hilliard system
G Ntoukas, J Manzanero, G Rubio, E Valero, E Ferrer
Journal of Computational Physics 458, 111093, 2022
Application of approximate dispersion-diffusion analyses to under-resolved Burgers turbulence using high resolution WENO and UWC schemes
P Solán-Fustero, A Navas-Montilla, E Ferrer, J Manzanero, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 435, 110246, 2021
A high-order discontinuous Galerkin solver for multiphase flows
J Manzanero, C Redondo, G Rubio, E Ferrer, E Valero, S Gómez-Álvarez, ...
CFD–based erosion and corrosion modeling in pipelines using a high–order discontinuous Galerkin multiphase solver
C Redondo, M Chávez–Modena, J Manzanero, G Rubio, E Valero, ...
Wear 478, 203882, 2021
A high-order discontinuous Galerkin multiphase flow solver for industrial applications
J Manzanero
Ph. D. thesis, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2020
Novel coupled Cahn-Hilliard Navier-Stokes solver for the evaluation of oil and gas multiphase flow
S Gómez-Álvarez, A Rivero-Jiménez, G Rubio, J Manzanero, C Redondo
BHR International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, BHR-2019-105, 2019
A discontinuous Galerkin approximation for a wall–bounded consistent three–component Cahn–Hilliard flow model
J Manzanero, C Redondo, G Rubio, E Ferrer, Á Rivero–Jiménez
Computers & Fluids 225, 104971, 2021
Implicit Large Eddy Simulations for NACA0012 Airfoils Using Compressible and Incompressible Discontinuous Galerkin Solvers
E Ferrer, J Manzanero, AM Rueda-Ramirez, G Rubio, E Valero
Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations ICOSAHOM …, 2020
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