Shiliang Jia (贾世亮)
Shiliang Jia (贾世亮)
Altri nomi贾 世亮, Jia Shiliang
Associate professor at Zhejiang University of Technology
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Biochemical changes induced by dominant bacteria in chill-stored silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and GC-IMS identification of volatile organic compounds
S Jia, Y Li, S Zhuang, X Sun, L Zhang, J Shi, H Hong, Y Luo
Food Microbiology 84, 103248, 2019
The effect of essential oils on microbial composition and quality of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) fillets during chilled storage
Z Huang, X Liu, S Jia, L Zhang, Y Luo
International journal of food microbiology 266, 52-59, 2018
Chitosan oligosaccharides alleviate cognitive deficits in an amyloid-β1–42-induced rat model of Alzheimer's disease
S Jia, Z Lu, Z Gao, J An, X Wu, X Li, X Dai, Q Zheng, Y Sun
International journal of biological macromolecules 83, 416-425, 2016
The roles of bacteria in the biochemical changes of chill-stored bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis): Proteins degradation, biogenic amines accumulation, volatiles production …
X Liu, Z Huang, S Jia, J Zhang, K Li, Y Luo
Food Chemistry 255, 174-181, 2018
Effects of pomegranate peel extract on quality and microbiota composition of bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) fillets during chilled storage
S Zhuang, Y Li, S Jia, H Hong, Y Liu, Y Luo
Food microbiology 82, 445-454, 2019
Antimicrobial effects of cinnamon bark oil on microbial composition and quality of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) fillets during chilled storage
Z Huang, X Liu, S Jia, Y Luo
Food Control 82, 316-324, 2017
Modification of gelatin hydrolysates from grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) scales by Maillard reaction: Antioxidant activity and volatile compounds
K Chen, X Yang, Z Huang, S Jia, Y Zhang, J Shi, H Hong, L Feng, Y Luo
Food Chemistry 295, 569-578, 2019
Effect of ε-polylysine and ice storage on microbiota composition and quality of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) stored at 0 C
S Jia, Y Liu, S Zhuang, X Sun, Y Li, H Hong, Y Lv, Y Luo
Food microbiology 83, 27-35, 2019
Effects of phytic acid and lysozyme on microbial composition and quality of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) fillets stored at 4 C
X Sun, H Hong, S Jia, Y Liu, Y Luo
Food Microbiology 86, 103313, 2020
Assessment of bacterial contributions to the biochemical changes of chill-stored blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala) fillets: Protein degradation and volatile organic …
Y Li, S Jia, H Hong, L Zhang, S Zhuang, X Sun, X Liu, Y Luo
Food Microbiology 91, 103495, 2020
Effect of different stunning methods on antioxidant status, in vivo myofibrillar protein oxidation, and the susceptibility to oxidation of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys …
L Zhang, Q Li, S Jia, Z Huang, Y Luo
Food Chemistry 246, 121-128, 2018
Post-thawing quality changes of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) cubes treated by high voltage electrostatic field (HVEF) during chilled storage
D Li, S Jia, L Zhang, Q Li, J Pan, B Zhu, W Prinyawiwatkul, Y Luo
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 42, 25-32, 2017
Application of Illumina-MiSeq high throughput sequencing and culture-dependent techniques for the identification of microbiota of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix …
S Jia, Z Huang, Y Lei, L Zhang, Y Li, Y Luo
Food Microbiology 76, 52-61, 2018
Novel NaCl reduction technologies for dry-cured meat products and their mechanisms: A comprehensive review
S Jia, H Shen, D Wang, S Liu, Y Ding, X Zhou
Food Chemistry, 137142, 2023
Effect of using a high voltage electrostatic field on microbial communities, degradation of adenosine triphosphate, and water loss when thawing lightly-salted, frozen common …
D Li, S Jia, L Zhang, Z Wang, J Pan, B Zhu, Y Luo
Journal of Food Engineering 212, 226-233, 2017
Effects of chitosan oligosaccharides on microbiota composition of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) determined by culture-dependent and independent methods during …
S Jia, X Liu, Z Huang, Y Li, L Zhang, Y Luo
International journal of food microbiology 268, 81-91, 2018
Neuroprotective effects of liquiritin on cognitive deficits induced by soluble amyloid-β1–42 oligomers injected into the hippocampus
SL Jia, XL Wu, XX Li, XL Dai, ZL Gao, Z Lu, QS Zheng, YX Sun
Journal of Asian natural products research 18 (12), 1186-1199, 2016
Stunning stress-induced textural softening in silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) fillets and underlying mechanisms
L Zhang, Y Zhang, S Jia, Y Li, Q Li, K Li, H Hong, Y Luo
Food Chemistry 295, 520-529, 2019
Inhibitory effects and membrane damage caused to fish spoilage bacteria by cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum tamala) oil
Z Huang, S Jia, L Zhang, X Liu, Y Luo
LWT 112, 108195, 2019
TMT-based proteomic analysis of the fish-borne spoiler Pseudomonas psychrophila subjected to chitosan oligosaccharides in fish juice system
S Jia, H Hong, Q Yang, X Liu, S Zhuang, Y Li, J Liu, Y Luo
Food Microbiology 90, 103494, 2020
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