Hendi Sama
Hendi Sama
Universitas Internasional Batam
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Studı Kualıtatıf Mengenaı Faktor Penerımaan Aplıkası E-Commerce Shopee Dan Fıntech Shopeepay Bagı Masyarakat Senıor
L Anthony, H Sama
CoMBInES-Conference on Management, Business, Innovation, Education and …, 2021
Studi Deskriptif Evolusi Website Dari Html1 Sampai Html5 Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Perancangan Dan Pengembangan Website
H Sama, E Hartanto
CoMBInES-Conference on Management, Business, Innovation, Education and …, 2021
Penerapan digital marketing menggunakan Instagram pada toko Indoraya Furniture
W Setiawan, H Sama
Conference on Business, Social Sciences and Innovation Technology 1 (1), 401-408, 2020
Studi Komparasi Framework NIST dan ISO 27001 sebagai Standar Audit dengan Metode Deskriptif Studi Pustaka
H Sama, L Licen, JSD Saragi, M Erline, K Kelvin, Y Hartanto, J Winata, ...
Rabit: Jurnal Teknologi Dan Sistem Informasi Univrab 6 (2), 116-121, 2021
Simulation of solar panel maximum power point tracking using the fuzzy logic control method
A Mutia, D Abdullah, K Kraugusteeliana, SA Pramono, H Sama
Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering 17 (2), 29-39, 2023
Perancangan augmented reality (AR) berbasis android sebagai media pembelajaran pakaian adat tradisional di Indonesia untuk anak sekolah dasar
BC Liong, H Sama
Journal of Information System and Technology (JOINT) 2 (1), 68-84, 2021
Implementasi Aplikasi Stock Opname Berbasis Website App Pada Perubahan Proses Bisnis Di Pt Well Chois Apparel
RR Prasena, H Sama
Conference on Business, Social Sciences and Innovation Technology 1 (1), 391-400, 2020
Perancangan Dan Pengembangan Online Shop Support System Berbasis Lean Canvas
H Sama, A Chandera
CoMBInES-Conference on Management, Business, Innovation, Education and …, 2021
Kesadaran Keamanan Siber pada Kalangan Mahasiswa Universitas di Kota Batam
T Tan, H Sama, T Wibowo, G Wijaya, OE Aboagye
Jurnal Teknologi Dan Informasi 14 (2), 163-173, 2024
Penerapan Metode MDLC pada Perancangan Video Profile Sekolah Advent Mision Sagulung
P Utami, H Sama
COMSERVA: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat 2 (5), 443-451, 2022
Perancangan Dan Implementasi Video Profil Di Sekolah Sma Maitreyawira Batam Menggunakan Metode Mdlc
H Sama, A Budiman
National Conference for Community Service Project (NaCosPro) 4 (1), 711-717, 2022
Stud? Kual? tat? f Mengena? Faktor Pener? maan Apl? kas? E-Commerce Shopee Dan F? ntech Shopeepay Bag? Masyarakat Sen? or
L Anthony, H Sama
CoMBInES-Conference on Management, Business, Innovation, Education and …, 2021
The influence of marketing mix on student trust and its impact on competitive advantage of private higher education institution
H Sama, IA Brahmasari, IAB Ratih
Archives of Business Research 5 (8), 2017
Design and Development of Documentary Video in Batam as Dark Tourism Promotion Media
H Sama, Z Zulkarnain, FA Putra
Journal of Informatics and Telecommunication Engineering 6 (1), 1-9, 2022
Perancangan dan Implementasi Iklan Konten Video Cinematic Promotion Coffee Shop Renjana
H Sama, M Ulfa
Conference on Business, Social Sciences and Technology (CoNeScINTech) 1 (1 …, 2021
Perancangan dan Implementasi Website Pariwisata di Desa Sembulang Dengan Metode Extreme Programming
D Wongso, H Sama, H Herman
Journal of Information System and Technology (JOINT) 2 (3), 50-61, 2021
Studi Analisis Kecepatan Internet Telkomsel Di Kota Batam: Studi Geografis
AY Kodoatie, H Sama
Conference on Business, Social Sciences and Innovation Technology 1 (1), 498-507, 2020
Analisis pengaruh blended learning dan sertifikasi terhadap kompetensi mahasiswa
S Suwarno, H Hendi
Computer Based Information System Journal 6 (2), 1-8, 2018
Dampak Positif dan Negatif Etika Informasi dalam Media Sosial: Sebuah Penelitian Kualitatif dengan Metode Studi Literatur
H Sama, A Angeline, G Phua, R Rahel, S Stephanie
EXPERT: Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi Dan Teknologi 13 (1), 62, 2023
Comparative Audit of Batam City INFO System and COVID-19 National Website
H Sama, MR Hisham, J Pratama, L Andito, A Kho, H Wijaya
CESS (Journal of computer Engineering, System and Science) 7 (2), 14, 2022
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20