Кубатко Олександра Вікторівна, Kubatko Oleksandrа
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The economic and social drivers of renewable energy development in OECD countries
LH Melnyk, H Sommer, OV Kubatko, M Rabe, SM Fedyna
Businness Perspectives, 2020
Экономика развития
ЛГ Мельник, АВ Кубатко, ИМ Бурлакова, ТА Васильева, АЛ Гавриленко, ...
Университетская книга, 2017
The impact of green-innovations on environmental quality and energy resource consumption. International economic relations and sustainable development: monograph/edited by Dr …
LG Melnyk, O Kubatko
Ph. D in Economics T. Kurbatova.–RudaŚląska: Drukarnia i Studio …, 2017
Organization of Business Activities with Account to Environmental and Economic Aspects
О Кубатко, О Кубатко, Т Сахненко, О Олувасеун
Mechanism of an economic regulation, 76-85, 2021
Decarbonisation drivers and climate change concerns of developed economies
YX Tu, O Kubatko, O Karintseva, V Piven
International Journal of Environment and Pollution 69 (1-2), 112-129, 2021
Determinants of shadow economy in transition countries: Economic and environmental aspects
O Lyulyov, M Paliienko, L Prasol, T Vasylieva, O Kubatko, V Kubatko
International journal of global energy issues 43 (2-3), 166-182, 2021
Information factors in economic systems and business during transition to digital economy/Selected Aspects of Digital Society Development
L Melnyk, I Dehtyarova, O Karintseva, O Kubatko
Monograph 45, 173-178, 0
Устойчивое развитие: теория, методология, практика
ЛГ Мельник, ИИ Коблянская, ТВ Несторенко, ТА Акимова, ...
ИТД" Университетская книга", 2009
Economic estimations of air pollution health nexus
O Kubatko, O Kubatko
Environment, Development and Sustainability 21, 1507-1517, 2019
Соціальна та солідарна економіка: поняття та сутність, досвід та перспективи
Ю Дерев’янко, Л Мельник, О Кубатко
Mechanism of an economic regulation, 89-98, 2014
The impact of economic performance on environmental quality in developing countries
L Sineviciene, O Kubatko, O Derykolenko, O Kubatko
International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management 21 (5-6 …, 2018
Were Ukrainian regions too different to start interregional confrontation: economic, social and ecological convergence aspects?
LG Melnyk, OV Kubatko, OV Kubatko
Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja 29 (1), 573-582, 2016
Economic estimations of pollution related cancer and nerves morbidity
O Kubatko, O Kubatko
International Journal of Ecology & Development 32 (1), 33-43, 2017
Інвестування в людський капітал як фактор зростання конкурентоспроможності підприємства
О Кубатко, Ж Пронікова
Mechanism of an economic regulation, 92-99, 2013
Economic and environmental aspects of Smart Grid technologies implementation in Ukraine
OV Kubatko, DO Yaryomenko, MO Kharchenko, IYA Almashaqbeh
Sumy State University, 2020
Economic optimization of resource use based on smart grid
О Кубатко, В Ігнатченко, С Шапаренко, І Стародуб, Д Ярьоменко
Mechanism of an economic regulation, 37-47, 2020
Solar energy development in households: Ways to improve state policy in Ukraine and Latvia
I Sotnyk, T Kurbatova, A Blumberga, O Kubatko, O Kubatko
International Journal of Sustainable Energy 41 (11), 1623-1649, 2022
Economic and Technological Efficiency of Renewable Energy Technologies Implementation
W Wang, L Melnyk, O Kubatko, B Kovalov, L Hens
Sustainability 15 (11), 8802, 2023
Научный подход к определению экологического следа, как индикатора устойчивого развития на уровне региональных экономик
АВ Кубатко
Mexaнiзм регулювання економiки, 194-202, 2009
Economic and environmental performance of post-communist transition economies
L Sineviciene, OV Kubatko, IM Sotnyk, A Lakstutiene
Eurasian Economic Perspectives: Proceedings of the 24th Eurasia Business and …, 2019
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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