Sergei Kühn
Sergei Kühn
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Enhancement of single-molecule fluorescence using a gold nanoparticle as an optical nanoantenna
S Kühn, U Håkanson, L Rogobete, V Sandoghdar
Physical review letters 97 (1), 017402, 2006
Ultrafast nonequilibrium carrier dynamics in a single graphene layer
M Breusing, S Kuehn, T Winzer, E Malić, F Milde, N Severin, JP Rabe, ...
Physical Review B 83 (15), 153410, 2011
Nanometer resolution and coherent optical dipole coupling of two individual molecules
C Hettich, C Schmitt, J Zitzmann, S Kühn, I Gerhardt, V Sandoghdar
Science 298 (5592), 385-389, 2002
Room temperature stable single-photon source
A Beveratos, S Kühn, R Brouri, T Gacoin, JP Poizat, P Grangier
The European Physical Journal D-Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma …, 2002
The ELI-ALPS facility: the next generation of attosecond sources
S Kühn, M Dumergue, S Kahaly, S Mondal, M Füle, T Csizmadia, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 50 (13), 132002, 2017
Attosecond pulse shaping using a seeded free-electron laser
PK Maroju, C Grazioli, M Di Fraia, M Moioli, D Ertel, H Ahmadi, O Plekan, ...
Nature 578 (7795), 386-391, 2020
Nanoparticle-induced fluorescence lifetime modification as nanoscopic ruler: demonstration at the single molecule level
J Seelig, K Leslie, A Renn, S Kühn, V Jacobsen, M van de Corput, ...
Nano letters 7 (3), 685-689, 2007
Diamond colour centres as a nanoscopic light source for scanning near‐field optical microscopy
S Kühn, C Hettich, C Schmitt, JPH Poizat, V Sandoghdar
Journal of Microscopy 202 (1), 2-6, 2001
Modification of single molecule fluorescence close to a nanostructure: radiation pattern, spontaneous emission and quenching
S Kühn, G Mori, M Agio, V Sandoghdar
Molecular Physics 106 (7), 893-908, 2008
Loss-based optical trap for on-chip particle analysis
S Kühn, P Measor, EJ Lunt, BS Phillips, DW Deamer, AR Hawkins, ...
Lab on a Chip 9 (15), 2212-2216, 2009
Controlled Photon Transfer between Two Individual Nanoemitters via Shared High-Q Modes of a Microsphere Resonator
S Götzinger, L de S. Menezes, A Mazzei, S Kühn, V Sandoghdar, ...
Nano letters 6 (6), 1151-1154, 2006
Ultralow power trapping and fluorescence detection of single particles on an optofluidic chip
S Kühn, BS Phillips, EJ Lunt, AR Hawkins, H Schmidt
Lab on a Chip 10 (2), 189-194, 2010
Multiple ionization of argon via multi-XUV-photon absorption induced by 20-GW high-order harmonic laser pulses
A Nayak, I Orfanos, I Makos, M Dumergue, S Kühn, E Skantzakis, B Bodi, ...
Physical Review A 98 (2), 023426, 2018
Saddle point approaches in strong field physics and generation of attosecond pulses
A Nayak, M Dumergue, S Kühn, S Mondal, T Csizmadia, NG Harshitha, ...
Physics Reports 833, 1-52, 2019
Quantum optical signatures in a strong laser pulse after interaction with semiconductors
N Tsatrafyllis, S Kühn, M Dumergue, P Foldi, S Kahaly, E Cormier, ...
Physical review letters 122 (19), 193602, 2019
Ultrasensitive Qβ phage analysis using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy on an optofluidic chip
MI Rudenko, S Kühn, EJ Lunt, DW Deamer, AR Hawkins, H Schmidt
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 24 (11), 3258-3263, 2009
Hollow-core waveguide characterization by optically induced particle transport
P Measor, S Kühn, EJ Lunt, BS Phillips, AR Hawkins, H Schmidt
Optics letters 33 (7), 672-674, 2008
Α 10-gigawatt attosecond source for non-linear XUV optics and XUV-pump-XUV-probe studies
I Makos, I Orfanos, A Nayak, J Peschel, B Major, I Liontos, E Skantzakis, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 1-18, 2020
Vectorial optical field reconstruction by attosecond spatial interferometry
P Carpeggiani, M Reduzzi, A Comby, H Ahmadi, S Kühn, F Calegari, ...
Nature Photonics 11 (6), 383, 2017
Improving solid to hollow core transmission for integrated ARROW waveguides
EJ Lunt, P Measor, BS Phillips, S Kühn, H Schmidt, AR Hawkins
Optics express 16 (25), 20981-20986, 2008
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