Parameterization of Invariant Manifolds for Periodic Orbits I: Efficient Numerics via the Floquet Normal Form R Castelli, JP Lessard, JD Mireles-James
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 14 (1), 132–167, 2015
82 2015 Rigorous numerics in Floquet theory: computing stable and unstable bundles of periodic orbits R Castelli, JP Lessard
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 12 (1), 204-245, 2013
47 2013 Intersecting invariant manifolds in spatial restricted three-body problems: design and optimization of Earth-to-halo transfers in the Sun–Earth–Moon scenario A Zanzottera, G Mingotti, R Castelli, M Dellnitz
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 17 (2), 832-843, 2012
46 2012 Rigorous numerics for ill-posed PDEs: periodic orbits in the Boussinesq equation R Castelli, M Gameiro, JP Lessard
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 228, 129-157, 2018
40 2018 Parameterization of invariant manifolds for periodic orbits (II): a posteriori analysis and computer assisted error bounds R Castelli, JP Lessard, JDM James
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 30, 1525-1581, 2018
33 2018 Efficient design of direct low-energy transfers in multi-moon systems E Fantino, R Castelli
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 127 (4), 429-450, 2017
32 2017 Regions of prevalence in the coupled restricted three-body problems approximation R Castelli
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 17 (2), 804-816, 2012
Conference Applications of Mathematics 2013 in honor of the 70th birthday of …, 2013
24 2013 Nonlinear and complex dynamics: applications in physical, biological, and financial systems JAT Machado, D Baleanu, ACJ Luo
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
21 2011 Topologically Distinct Collision-Free Periodic Solutions for the -Center Problem R Castelli
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 223 (2), 941-975, 2017
19 2017 Rigorous numerics for NLS: bound states, spectra, and controllability R Castelli, H Teismann
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 334, 158-173, 2016
19 2016 Existence and instability of steady states for a triangular cross-diffusion system: a computer-assisted proof M Breden, R Castelli
Journal of Differential Equations 264 (10), 6418-6458, 2018
16 2018 Rigorous Computation of Non-uniform Patterns for the 2-Dimensional Gray-Scott Reaction-Diffusion Equation R Castelli
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 26, 2017
13 2017 On the variational approach to the one and N-centre problem with weak forces R Castelli
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Dottorato di ricerca in matematica …, 2009
12 2009 On the relation between the bicircular model and the coupled circular restricted three-body problem approximation R Castelli
Nonlinear and Complex Dynamics, 53-68, 2011
11 2011 On the regularization of the collision solutions of the one-center problem with weak forces R Castelli, S Terracini
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A 31 (4), 1197 - 1218, 2011
11 * 2011 Fog detection from camera images R Castelli, P Frolkovic, C Reinhardt, CC Stolk, J Tomczyk, A Vromans
114th European Study Group Mathematics with Industry (SWI 2016), January 25 …, 2016
8 2016 Analytic enclosure of the fundamental matrix solution R Castelli, JP Lessard, JD Mireles James
Applications of Mathematics 60, 617-636, 2015
6 2015 Some unexpected results on the Brillouin singular equation: fold bifurcation of periodic solutions R Castelli, M Garrione
Journal of Differential Equations 265 (6), 2502-2543, 2018
5 2018 A study of the apsidal angle and a proof of monotonicity in the logarithmic potential case R Castelli
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 413 (2), 727-751, 2014
5 2014