Fachrurrozie Unnes
Fachrurrozie Unnes
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The effect of leverage, sales growth, cash flow on financial distress with corporate governance as a moderating variable
RVD Giarto, F Fachrurrozie
Accounting Analysis Journal 9 (1), 15-21, 2020
Pengaruh environmental performance, environmental cost dan csr disclosure terhadap financial performance
WSP Tunggal, F Fachrurrozie
Accounting Analysis Journal 3 (3), 2014
Pengaruh Risiko Bisnis, Struktur Aset, Ukuran Dan Pertumbuhan Penjualan Terhadap Struktur Modal
HR Pradana, F Fachrurrozie, K Kiswanto
Accounting Analysis Journal 2 (4), 2013
Determinants of the intention of muzakki to pay professional zakat
H Mukhibad, F Fachrurrozie, A Nurkhin
Share: Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Keuangan Islam 8 (1), 45-67, 2019
Analisis pengaruh dimensi fraud diamond terhadap perilaku kecurangan akademik mahasiswa pendidikan akuntansi UNNES
A Nurkhin, F Fachrurrozie
Liabilities (Jurnal Pendidikan Akuntansi) 1 (1), 1-12, 2018
Teams Games Tournament (TGT) sebagai metode untuk meningkatkan keaktifan dan kemampuan belajar
R Widhiastuti, F Fachrurrozie
Dinamika pendidikan 9 (1), 2014
The effect of profitability, activity analysis, industrial type and good corporate governance mechanism on the disclosure of sustainability report
KJ Sinaga, F Fachrurrozie
Accounting Analysis Journal 6 (3), 347-358, 2017
Pengaruh Mekanisme Good Corporate Governance Dan Kualitas Audit Terhadap Tingkat Konservatisme Akuntansi
IR Padmawati, F Fachrurrozie
Accounting Analysis Journal 4 (1), 2015
The determinant of accounting conservatism on manufacturing companies in Indonesia
HVS Sugiarto, F Fachrurrozie
Accounting Analysis Journal 7 (1), 1-9, 2018
Does audit committee quality mediate determinants of intellectual capital disclosure?
RN Astuti, F Fachrurrozie, MI Amal, SF Zahra
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 7 (7), 199-208, 2020
Effect of managerial ownership, leverage, firm size and profitability on accounting conservatism
N Solichah, F Fachrurrozie
Accounting Analysis Journal 8 (3), 151-157, 2019
The relationship between knowledge, trust, intention to pay zakah, and zakah-paying behavior
S Martono, A Nurkhin, F Lutfhiyah, A Rofiq
International Journal of Financial Research 10 (2), 75-81, 2019
The effect of profitability, liquidity, and asset structure on capital structure with firm size as moderating variable
CR Dewi, F Fachrurrozie
Accounting Analysis Journal 10 (1), 32-38, 2021
Determinan persistensi laba pada perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di BEI
D Kasiono, F Fachrurrozie
Accounting Analysis Journal 5 (1), 2016
Effect of corporate governance on corporate social responsibility disclosure: empirical evidence from Vietnamese commercial banks
QT Tran, TT Lam, CD Luu
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 7 (11), 327-333, 2020
Analysis of fraudulent financial reporting with the role of KAP big four as a moderation variable: Crowe’s fraud’s pentagon theory
MP Sari, N Pramasheilla, T Suryarini, ID Pamungkas
International Journal of Financial Research 11 (5), 180-190, 2020
Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan, Kepemilikan Institusional Dan Ukuran Dewan Pengawas Syariah Terhadap Pengungkapan Isr
RA Ningrum, F Fachrurrozie, PY Jayanto
Accounting analysis journal 2 (4), 2013
Efek efikasi diri pada pengaruh pendidikan kewirausahaan, lingkungan, dan kecerdasan adversitas terhadap intensi berwirausaha mahasiswa
SB Ambarriyah, F Fachrurrozie
Economic Education Analysis Journal 8 (3), 1045-1060, 2019
Penguatan umkm Melalui Pemanfaatan Media Sosial untuk Meningkatkan Jangkauan Pemasaran di Kecamatan Toroh purwodadi
N Oktarina, J Widodo, F Fachrurrozie
Jurnal Abdimas 23 (2), 170-174, 2019
Pengaruh rasio keuangan terhadap rating sukuk dengan manajemen laba sebagai variabel intervening
T Nurakhiroh, F Fachrurrozie, PY Jayanto
Accounting Analysis Journal 3 (1), 2014
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20