Adrien Guille
Adrien Guille
Associate Professor of Computer Science, Université de Lyon (Lyon 2, UR ERIC)
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Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks: A Survey
A Guille, H Hacid, C Favre, DA Zighed
ACM SIGMOD Record 42 (2), 17-28, 2013
A Predictive Model for the Temporal Dynamics of Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks
A Guille, H Hacid
ACM WWW World Wide Web Conference (Companion), 1145-1152, 2012
Event detection, tracking, and visualization in Twitter: a mention-anomaly-based approach
A Guille, C Favre
Social Network Analysis and Mining 5 (1), art 18: 1-18, 2015
Mention-anomaly-based Event Detection and Tracking in Twitter
A Guille, C Favre
IEEE/ACM ASONAM International Conference on Advances in Social Network …, 2014
Global Vectors for Node Representations
R Brochier, A Guille, J Velcin
ACM WWW World Wide Web Conference, 2587-2593, 2019
SONDY: An Open Source Platform for Social Dynamics Mining and Analysis
A Guille, C Favre, H Hacid, DA Zighed
ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 1005-1008, 2013
Text Mining and Twitter to Analyze British Swearing Habits
M Gauthier, A Guille, F Rico, A Deseille
Handbook of Twitter for Research, 2015
Predicting the temporal dynamics of information diffusion in social networks
A Guille, H Hacid, C Favre
arXiv preprint arXiv:1302.5235, 2013
Gender and age differences in swearing: A corpus study of Twitter
M Gauthier, A Guille
Advances in Swearing Research: New languages and new contexts, 137–157, 2017
Link Prediction with Mutual Attention for Text-Attributed Networks
R Brochier, A Guille, J Velcin
ACM WWW World Wide Web Conference (Companion), 2019
Inductive Document Network Embedding with Topic-Word Attention
R Brochier, A Guille, J Velcin
ECIR European Conference on Information Retrieval, 326-340, 2020
Impact of the Query Set on the Evaluation of Expert Finding Systems
R Brochier, A Guille, B Rothan, J Velcin
BIRNDL @ ACM SIGIR International Conference on Research and Development in …, 2018
TOM: A library for topic modeling and browsing
A Guille, EP Soriano-Morales
16ème Conférence sur l'Extraction et la Gestion des Connaissances, 451-456, 2016
Document Network Projection in Pretrained Word Embedding Space
A Gourru, A Guille, J Velcin, J Jacques
ECIR European Conference on Information Retrieval, 150-157, 2020
CATS: Collection and Analysis of Tweets Made Simple
CO Truica, A Guille, M Gauthier
ACM CSCW International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and …, 2016
New Datasets and a Benchmark of Document Network Embedding Methods for Scientific Expert Finding
R Brochier, A Gourru, A Guille, J Velcin
BIR @ ECIR European Conference on Information Retrieval, 2020
Une méthode pour la détection de thématiques populaires sur Twitter
A Guille, C Favre
14ème Conférence sur l'Extraction et la Gestion des Connaissances, 83-88, 2014
Diffusion de l'information dans les médias sociaux : modélisation et analyse
A Guille
Thèse de l'Université Lumière Lyon 2, 2014
Zighed Djamel A.. 2013
G Adrien, H Hakim, F Cecile
Information diffusion in online social networks: A survey. ACM Sigmod Record …, 2013
Document Classification with Hierarchical Graph Neural Networks
A Guille, H Attali
18th International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs (MLG @ ECML-PKDD), 2022
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