Kata Galić
Kata Galić
Full professor, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology
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Development and evaluation of a novel antioxidant and pH indicator film based on chitosan and food waste sources of antioxidants
M Kurek, IE Garofulić, MT Bakić, M Ščetar, VD Uzelac
Food Hydrocolloids 84, 238-246, 2018
Edible coatings minimize fat uptake in deep fat fried products: A review
M Kurek, M Ščetar
Food Hydrocolloids 71, 225-235, 2017
Shelf life of packaged bakery goods—A review
K Galić, D Ćurić, D Gabrić
Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 49 (5), 405-426, 2009
Effect of relative humidity on carvacrol release and permeation properties of chitosan based films and coatings
M Kurek, A Guinault, A Voilley, F Debeaufort
Food chemistry 144, 9-17, 2014
Gas permeability and DSC characteristics of polymers used in food packaging
J Gajdoš, Ž Kurtanjek, N Ciković
Polymer Testing 20 (1), 49-57, 2000
Ambalaža za pakiranje namirnica
I Vujković, K Galić, M Vereš
TECTUS, 2007
The benefits of processing and packaging
M Ščetar, M Kurek
Trends in Food Science & Technology 22 (2-3), 127-137, 2011
Trends in meat and meat products packaging–a review
M Ščetar, M Kurek
Croatian journal of food science and technology 2 (1.), 32-48, 2010
Trends in Fruit and Vegetable Packaging–a Review
M Ščetar, M Kurek, K Galić
Croatian Journal of Food Technology, Biotechnology and Nutrition 5 (3-4) 69 …, 2010
Barrier properties of chitosan coated polyethylene
M Kurek, M Ščetar, A Voilley, F Debeaufort
Journal of Membrane Science 403, 162-168, 2012
Gas transport and thermal characterization of mono‐and di‐polyethylene films used for food packaging
S Mrkić, K Galić, M Ivanković, S Hamin, N Ciković
Journal of applied polymer science 99 (4), 1590-1599, 2006
Structure and thermal properties of a chitosan coated polyethylene bilayer film
M Kurek, CH Brachais, CM Nguimjeu, A Bonnotte, A Voilley, ...
Polymer degradation and stability 97 (8), 1232-1240, 2012
Antimicrobial efficiency of carvacrol vapour related to mass partition coefficient when incorporated in chitosan based films aimed for active packaging
M Kurek, S Moundanga, C Favier, F Debeaufort
Food control 32 (1), 168-175, 2013
Comparison of protective supports and antioxidative capacity of two bio-based films with revalorised fruit pomaces extracted from blueberry and red grape skin
M Kurek, L Hlupić, IE Garofulić, E Descours, M Ščetar
Food Packaging and Shelf Life 20, 100315, 2019
Antioxidants and bioactive compounds in food: critical review of issues and prospects
M Kurek, N Benaida-Debbache, I Elez Garofulić, K Galić, S Avallone, ...
Antioxidants 11 (4), 742, 2022
Packaging perspective of milk and dairy products.
M Ščetar, I Barukčić, M Kurek, KL Jakopović, R Božanić
Dairy/Mljekarstvo 69 (1), 2019
Effect of temperature and mechanical stress on barrier properties of polymeric films used for food packaging
S Mrkić, K Galić, M Ivanković
Journal of plastic film & sheeting 23 (3), 239-256, 2007
Comparison of two pH responsive color changing bio‐based films containing wasted fruit pomace as a source of colorants
M Kurek, L Hlupić, M Ščetar, T Bosiljkov, K Galić
Journal of food science 84 (9), 2490-2498, 2019
How composition and process parameters affect volatile active compounds in biopolymer films
M Kurek, E Descours, A Voilley, F Debeaufort
Carbohydrate Polymers 88 (2), 646-656, 2012
Novel functional chitosan and pectin bio-based packaging films with encapsulated Opuntia-ficus indica waste
M Kurek, N Benbettaieb, M Ščetar, E Chaudy, I Elez-Garofulić, M Repajić, ...
Food Bioscience 41, 100980, 2021
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20