Articoli con mandati relativi all'accesso pubblico - Yuan RaoUlteriori informazioni
Non disponibili pubblicamente: 8
Fighting false information from propagation process: A survey
L Sun, Y Rao, L Wu, X Zhang, Y Lan, A Nazir
ACM Computing Surveys 55 (10), 1-38, 2023
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Enhanced bioavailability and biosafety of cannabidiol nanomicelles for effective anti-inflammatory therapy
Y Rao, R Li, S Liu, L Meng, Q Wu, Q Yuan, H Liang, M Qin
Particuology 69, 1-9, 2022
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Iaf-lg: an interactive attention fusion network with local and global perspective for aspect-based sentiment analysis
A Nazir, Y Rao, L Wu, L Sun
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 13 (4), 1730-1742, 2022
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Content-based hybrid deep neural network citation recommendation method
L Wang, Y Rao, Q Bian, S Wang
International conference of pioneering computer scientists, engineers and …, 2020
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Structural, mechanical, electronic properties of refractory Hf–Al intermetallics from SCAN meta-GGA density functional calculations
X Bai, Y Li, B Xiao, Y Rao, H Liang, L He, J Feng
Materials Chemistry and Physics 254, 123423, 2020
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A multiple criteria Bayesian hierarchical model for analyzing heterogeneous consumer preferences
J Liu, Y Wang, M Kadziński, X Mao, Y Rao
Omega 128, 103113, 2024
Mandati: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Semantic Enhancement and Multi-level Label Embedding for Chinese News Headline Classification
J Qi, Y Rao, L Sun, X Yang
2019 14th International Joint Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and …, 2019
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A review of unsupervised text style transfer based on deep learning
Z Guo, Y Rao
Fourth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and …, 2023
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Disponibili pubblicamente: 18
Issues and challenges of aspect-based sentiment analysis: A comprehensive survey
A Nazir, Y Rao, L Wu, L Sun
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 13 (2), 845-863, 2020
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
MS-HGAT: memory-enhanced sequential hypergraph attention network for information diffusion prediction
L Sun, Y Rao, X Zhang, Y Lan, S Yu
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 36 (4), 4156-4164, 2022
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Adaptive interaction fusion networks for fake news detection
L Wu, Y Rao
ECAI 2020, 2220-2227, 2020
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Discovering differential features: Adversarial learning for information credibility evaluation
L Wu, Y Rao, A Nazir, H Jin
Information Sciences 516, 453-473, 2020
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Evidence inference networks for interpretable claim verification
L Wu, Y Rao, L Sun, W He
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 35 (16), 14058 …, 2021
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Category-controlled encoder-decoder for fake news detection
L Wu, Y Rao, C Zhang, Y Zhao, A Nazir
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 35 (2), 1242-1257, 2021
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Evidence-aware hierarchical interactive attention networks for explainable claim verification
L Wu, Y Rao, X Yang, W Wang, A Nazir
Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Conference on International …, 2021
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A multi‐semantics classification method based on deep learning for incredible messages on social media
L Wu, Y Rao, H Yu, Y Wang, N Ambreen
Chinese Journal of Electronics 28 (4), 754-763, 2019
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Hg-sl: Jointly learning of global and local user spreading behavior for fake news early detection
L Sun, Y Rao, Y Lan, B Xia, Y Li
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 37 (4), 5248-5256, 2023
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Enhancement of the Bioavailability and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Glycyrrhetinic Acid via Novel Soluplus®—A Glycyrrhetinic Acid Solid Dispersion
H Wang, R Li, Y Rao, S Liu, C Hu, Y Zhang, L Meng, Q Wu, Q Ouyang, ...
Pharmaceutics 14 (9), 1797, 2022
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
{KENKU}: Towards Efficient and Stealthy Black-box Adversarial Attacks against {ASR} Systems
X Wu, S Ma, C Shen, C Lin, Q Wang, Q Li, Y Rao
32nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 23), 247-264, 2023
Mandati: US Office of the Director of National Intelligence, National Natural Science …
Pre-trained language embedding-based contextual summary and multi-scale transmission network for aspect extraction
C Feng, Y Rao, A Nazir, L Wu, L He
Procedia Computer Science 174, 40-49, 2020
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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