A new family of maximal curves over a finite field M Giulietti, G Korchmáros
Mathematische Annalen 343 (1), 229-245, 2009
149 2009 Linear nonbinary covering codes and saturating sets in projective spaces AA Davydov, M Giulietti, S Marcugini, F Pambianco
Advances in Mathematics of Communications 5 (1), 119-147, 2011
97 2011 Maximum scattered linear sets and complete caps in Galois spaces D Bartoli, M Giulietti, G Marino, O Polverino
Combinatorica 38, 255-278, 2018
74 2018 New inductive constructions of complete caps in PG (N, q ), q even AA Davydov, M Giulietti, S Marcugini, F Pambianco
Journal of Combinatorial Designs 18 (3), 177-201, 2010
53 2010 Quotient curves of the Suzuki curve M Giulietti, G Korchmáros, F Torres
52 2006 The geometry of covering codes: small complete caps and saturating sets in Galois spaces. M Giulietti
Surveys in combinatorics 409, 51-90, 2013
50 2013 Small complete caps in PG (N , q ), q even M Giulietti
Journal of Combinatorial Designs 15 (5), 420-436, 2007
49 2007 Small complete caps in Galois affine spaces M Giulietti
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 25 (2), 149-168, 2007
44 2007 On plane arcs contained in cubic curves M Giulietti
Finite Fields and Their Applications 8 (1), 69-90, 2002
38 2002 One-point AG codes on the GK maximal curves S Fanali, M Giulietti
IEEE transactions on information theory 56 (1), 202-210, 2009
37 2009 On complete arcs arising from plane curves M Giulietti, F Pambianco, F Torres, E Ughi
Designs, codes and Cryptography 25 (3), 237-246, 2002
34 2002 Permutation polynomials, fractional polynomials, and algebraic curves D Bartoli, M Giulietti
Finite Fields and Their Applications 51, 1-16, 2018
33 2018 Algebraic curves with a large non-tame automorphism group fixing no point M Giulietti, G Korchmáros
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc 362 (11), 5983-6001, 2010
33 * 2010 Complete permutation polynomials from exceptional polynomials D Bartoli, M Giulietti, L Quoos, G Zini
Journal of Number Theory 176, 46-66, 2017
31 2017 Three-level secret sharing schemes from the twisted cubic M Giulietti, R Vincenti
Discrete Mathematics 310 (22), 3236-3240, 2010
31 2010 On monomial complete permutation polynomials D Bartoli, M Giulietti, G Zini
Finite Fields and Their Applications 41, 132-158, 2016
29 2016 On the covering radius of MDS codes D Bartoli, M Giulietti, I Platoni
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 61 (2), 801-811, 2014
28 2014 Quasi-Perfect Linear Codes With Minimum Distance M Giulietti, F Pasticci
IEEE transactions on information theory 53 (5), 1928-1935, 2007
28 2007 Small complete caps inPG (2,q ), forq an odd square M Giulietti
Journal of Geometry 69 (1-2), 110-116, 2000
28 2000 Quotient curves of the GK curve S Fanali, M Giulietti
Advances in Geometry 12 (2), 239-268, 2012
27 2012