Articoli con mandati relativi all'accesso pubblico - Ernst WorrellUlteriori informazioni
Non disponibili pubblicamente: 6
Influence of demand patterns on the optimal orientation of photovoltaic systems
G Litjens, E Worrell, W Van Sark
Solar Energy 155, 1002-1014, 2017
Mandati: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Regional economic and environmental impacts of renewable energy developments: Solar PV in the Aachen Region
S Jenniches, E Worrell
Energy for Sustainable Development 48, 11-24, 2019
Mandati: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
What influences consumption? Consumers and beyond: purposes, contexts, agents and history
AP Ribeiro, R Harmsen, JR Carreón, E Worrell
Journal of cleaner production 209, 200-215, 2019
Mandati: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Impacts of booming economic growth and urbanization on carbon dioxide emissions in Chinese megalopolises over 1985–2010: an index decomposition analysis
L Meng, WHJ Crijns-Graus, E Worrell, B Huang
Energy Efficiency 11, 203-223, 2018
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Facilitating sustainable geo-resources exploitation: A review of environmental and geological risks of fluid injection into hydrocarbon reservoirs
M Schimmel, W Liu, E Worrell
Earth-Science Reviews 194, 455-471, 2019
Mandati: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Spatial analysis of residential combined photovoltaic and battery potential: case study Utrecht, The Netherlands
G Litjens, BB Kausika, E Worrell, W van Sark
2017 IEEE 44th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), 3014-3019, 2017
Mandati: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Disponibili pubblicamente: 32
Industrial energy efficiency and climate change mitigation
E Worrell, L Bernstein, J Roy, L Price, J Harnisch
Renewable energy, Vol1_548-Vol1_568, 2018
Mandati: US Department of Energy
Identifying barriers to large-scale integration of variable renewable electricity into the electricity market: A literature review of market design
J Hu, R Harmsen, W Crijns-Graus, E Worrell, M van den Broek
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 81, 2181-2195, 2018
Mandati: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Sustainable energy development: History of the concept and emerging themes
I Gunnarsdóttir, B Davidsdottir, E Worrell, S Sigurgeirsdóttir
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 141, 110770, 2021
Mandati: Icelandic Centre for Research
Pathways to a low-carbon iron and steel industry in the medium-term–the case of Germany
M Arens, E Worrell, W Eichhammer, A Hasanbeigi, Q Zhang
Journal of Cleaner Production 163, 84-98, 2017
Mandati: US Department of Energy
The role of material efficiency in environmental stewardship
E Worrell, J Allwood, T Gutowski
Annual Review of Environment and Resources 41 (1), 575-598, 2016
Mandati: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Review of indicators for sustainable energy development
I Gunnarsdóttir, B Davidsdottir, E Worrell, S Sigurgeirsdóttir
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 133, 110294, 2020
Mandati: Icelandic Centre for Research
Comparing projections of industrial energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions in long-term energy models
OY Edelenbosch, K Kermeli, W Crijns-Graus, E Worrell, R Bibas, B Fais, ...
Energy 122, 701-710, 2017
Mandati: US Department of Energy
Economic benefits of combining self-consumption enhancement with frequency restoration reserves provision by photovoltaic-battery systems
GBMA Litjens, E Worrell, W Van Sark
Applied energy 223, 172-187, 2018
Mandati: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Integrated assessment of resource-energy-environment nexus in China's iron and steel industry
S Zhang, BW Yi, E Worrell, F Wagner, W Crijns-Graus, P Purohit, Y Wada, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 232, 235-249, 2019
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Lowering greenhouse gas emissions in the built environment by combining ground source heat pumps, photovoltaics and battery storage
G Litjens, E Worrell, W Van Sark
Energy and Buildings 180, 51-71, 2018
Mandati: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Assessment of forecasting methods on performance of photovoltaic-battery systems
G Litjens, E Worrell, W Van Sark
Applied Energy 221, 358-373, 2018
Mandati: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Barriers to investment in utility-scale variable renewable electricity (VRE) generation projects
J Hu, R Harmsen, W Crijns-Graus, E Worrell
Renewable Energy 121, 730-744, 2018
Mandati: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Geographical optimization of variable renewable energy capacity in China using modern portfolio theory
J Hu, R Harmsen, W Crijns-Graus, E Worrell
Applied Energy 253, 113614, 2019
Mandati: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Organising alternative food networks (AFNs): Challenges and facilitating conditions of different AFN types in three EU countries
A Poças Ribeiro, R Harmsen, G Feola, J Rosales Carréon, E Worrell
Sociologia ruralis 61 (2), 491-517, 2021
Mandati: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
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