Ferroelectricity in the Magnetic -Phase of Orthorhombic Perovskites IA Sergienko, C Şen, E Dagotto
Physical review letters 97 (22), 227204, 2006
575 2006 Competing Ferromagnetic and Charge-Ordered States in Models for Manganites:<? format?> The Origin of the Colossal Magnetoresistance Effect C Şen, G Alvarez, E Dagotto
Physical review letters 98 (12), 127202, 2007
212 2007 Quantum Critical Point at Finite Doping in the 2D Hubbard Model:<? format?> A Dynamical Cluster Quantum Monte Carlo Study NS Vidhyadhiraja, A Macridin, C Şen, M Jarrell, M Ma
Physical review letters 102 (20), 206407, 2009
96 2009 Anisotropy of electrical transport in pnictide superconductors studied using Monte Carlo simulations of the spin-fermion model S Liang, G Alvarez, C Şen, A Moreo, E Dagotto
Physical Review Letters 109 (4), 047001, 2012
88 2012 Phase fluctuations in strongly coupled d-wave superconductors M Mayr, G Alvarez, C Şen, E Dagotto
Physical review letters 94 (21), 217001, 2005
66 2005 Insulator-to-metal transition induced by disorder in a model for manganites C Şen, G Alvarez, E Dagotto
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (6), 064428, 2004
60 2004 Colossal magnetoresistance observed in Monte Carlo simulations of the one-and two-orbital models for manganites C Şen, G Alvarez, H Aliaga, E Dagotto
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (22), 224441, 2006
57 2006 Highly anisotropic resistivities in the double-exchange model for strained manganites S Dong, S Yunoki, X Zhang, C Şen, JM Liu, E Dagotto
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (3), 035118, 2010
52 2010 The truncated polynomial expansion Monte Carlo method for fermion systems coupled to classical fields: a model independent implementation G Alvarez, C Şen, N Furukawa, Y Motome, E Dagotto
Computer Physics Communications 168 (1), 32-45, 2005
36 2005 Short-range spin and charge correlations and local density of states in the colossal magnetoresistance regime of the single-orbital model for manganites R Yu, S Dong, C Şen, G Alvarez, E Dagotto
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (21), 214434, 2008
31 2008 First order colossal magnetoresistance transitions in the two-orbital model for manganites C Şen, G Alvarez, E Dagotto
Physical Review Letters 105 (9), 097203, 2010
28 2010 Recent developments in the theoretical study of phase separation in manganites andunderdoped cuprates E Dagotto, S Yunoki, C Şen, G Alvarez, A Moreo
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (43), 434224, 2008
28 2008 Crossover from impurity to valence band in diluted magnetic semiconductors: Role of Coulomb attraction by acceptors F Popescu, C Şen, E Dagotto, A Moreo
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (8), 085206, 2007
23 2007 Emergent dimensional reduction of the spin sector in a model for narrow-band manganites S Liang, M Daghofer, S Dong, C Şen, E Dagotto
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (2), 024408, 2011
22 2011 Fragility of the -type AF and CE phases of manganites: Insulator-to-metal transition induced by quenched disorder G Alvarez, H Aliaga, C Şen, E Dagotto
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (22), 224426, 2006
22 2006 Complex state found in the colossal magnetoresistance regime of models for manganites C Şen, S Liang, E Dagotto
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (17), 174418, 2012
16 2012 One-and two-band models for colossal magnetoresistive manganites studied using the truncated polynomial expansion method C Şen, G Alvarez, Y Motome, N Furukawa, IA Sergienko, TC Schulthess, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (22), 224430, 2006
16 2006 Properties of under extreme tensile strain C Şen, E Dagotto
Physical Review B 102 (3), 035126, 2020
13 2020 Estimation of biquadratic and bicubic Heisenberg effective couplings from multiorbital Hubbard models R Soni, N Kaushal, C Şen, FA Reboredo, A Moreo, E Dagotto
New Journal of Physics 24 (7), 073014, 2022
12 2022 Dynamical mean-field study of the ferromagnetic transition temperature of a two-band model for colossal magnetoresistance materials F Popescu, C Şen, E Dagotto
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (18), 180404, 2006
11 2006