Stochastically forced compressible fluid flows D Breit, E Feireisl, M Hofmanová
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2018
124 2018 Solenoidal Lipschitz truncation for parabolic PDE's D Breit, L Diening, S Schwarzacher
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 23, 2671-2700, 2013
67 2013 Stochastic Navier-Stokes equations for compressible fluids D Breit, M Hofmanová
Indiana University Mathematics Journal 65, 1183-1250, 2016
64 2016 Pointwise Calderón–Zygmund gradient estimates for the p-Laplace system D Breit, A Cianchi, L Diening, T Kuusi, S Schwarzacher
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 114, 146-190, 2018
63 2018 On the trace operator for functions of bounded 𝔸-variation D Breit, L Diening, F Gmeineder
Analysis & PDE 13 (2), 559-594, 2020
61 * 2020 Compressible fluids interacting with a linear-elastic shell D Breit, S Schwarzacher
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 228, 495-562, 2018
54 2018 Sharp conditions for Korn inequalities in Orlicz spaces D Breit, L Diening
Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 14 (3), 565-573, 2012
50 2012 Solenoidal Lipschitz truncation and applications in fluid mechanics D Breit, L Diening, M Fuchs
Journal of Differential Equations 253 (6), 1910-1942, 2012
48 2012 Finite Element Approximation of the -Laplacian D Breit, L Diening, S Schwarzacher
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 53 (1), 551-572, 2015
46 * 2015 Solution semiflow to the isentropic Euler system D Breit, E Feireisl, M Hofmanová
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 235, 167-194, 2020
45 2020 Local strong solutions to the stochastic compressible Navier–Stokes system D Breit, E Feireisl, M Hofmanová
Communications in Partial Differential Equations 43 (2), 313-345, 2018
40 2018 Incompressible limit for compressible fluids with stochastic forcing D Breit, E Feireisl, M Hofmanová
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 222, 895-926, 2016
39 2016 On solvability and ill-posedness of the compressible Euler system subject to stochastic forces D Breit, E Feireisl, M Hofmanová
Analysis & PDE 13 (2), 371-402, 2020
38 2020 A general regularity theorem for functionals with φ-growth D Breit, B Stroffolini, A Verde
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 383 (1), 226-233, 2011
38 2011 Convergence rates for the numerical approximation of the 2D stochastic Navier–Stokes equations D Breit, A Dodgson
Numerische Mathematik 147, 553-578, 2021
37 2021 Existence theory for generalized Newtonian fluids D Breit
Contemporary Mathematics 666, 99-110, 2016
37 2016 Trace-free Korn inequalities in Orlicz spaces D Breit, A Cianchi, L Diening
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 49 (4), 2496-2526, 2017
33 2017 Dissipative solutions and semiflow selection for the complete Euler system D Breit, E Feireisl, M Hofmanová
Communications in Mathematical Physics 376, 1471-1497, 2020
32 2020 Compressible fluids driven by stochastic forcing: The relative energy inequality and applications D Breit, E Feireisl, M Hofmanová
Communications in Mathematical Physics 350 (2), 443-473, 2017
32 2017 Weak solutions for a non-Newtonian diffuse interface model with different densities H Abels, D Breit
Nonlinearity 29 (11), 3426, 2016
31 2016