Articoli con mandati relativi all'accesso pubblico - paul steinmannUlteriori informazioni
Non disponibili pubblicamente: 108
Two-scale computational homogenization of electro-elasticity at finite strains
MA Keip, P Steinmann, J Schröder
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 278, 62-79, 2014
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Modelling, simulation and experimental validation of heat transfer in selective laser melting of the polymeric material PA12
D Riedlbauer, M Drexler, D Drummer, P Steinmann, J Mergheim
Computational Materials Science 93, 239-248, 2014
Mandati: German Research Foundation
General imperfect interfaces
A Javili, S Kaessmair, P Steinmann
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 275, 76-97, 2014
Mandati: European Commission
A geometrically nonlinear FE approach for the simulation of strong and weak discontinuities
J Mergheim, P Steinmann
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 195 (37-40), 5037-5052, 2006
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Thermomechanical finite element simulations of selective electron beam melting processes: performance considerations
D Riedlbauer, P Steinmann, J Mergheim
Computational Mechanics 54, 109-122, 2014
Mandati: German Research Foundation
A fictitious energy approach for shape optimization
M Scherer, R Denzer, P Steinmann
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 82 (3), 269-302, 2010
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Alginate-based hydrogels show the same complex mechanical behavior as brain tissue
T Distler, E Schaller, P Steinmann, AR Boccaccini, S Budday
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 111, 103979, 2020
Mandati: German Research Foundation
On molecular statics and surface-enhanced continuum modeling of nano-structures
D Davydov, A Javili, P Steinmann
Computational Materials Science 69, 510-519, 2013
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Classification of concepts in thermodynamically consistent generalized plasticity
CB Hirschberger, P Steinmann
Journal of engineering mechanics 135 (3), 156-170, 2009
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Numerical and experimental investigation of the isothermal assumption in selective laser sintering of PA12
D Soldner, S Greiner, C Burkhardt, D Drummer, P Steinmann, J Mergheim
Additive Manufacturing 37, 101676, 2021
Mandati: German Research Foundation
On the propagation of second-sound in linear and nonlinear media: Results from Green–Naghdi theory
S Bargmann, P Steinmann, PM Jordan
Physics Letters A 372 (24), 4418-4424, 2008
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Finite element analysis of an inelastic interface in ultrasonic welded metal/fibre-reinforced polymer joints
N Konchakova, F Balle, FJ Barth, R Mueller, D Eifler, P Steinmann
Computational Materials Science 50 (1), 184-190, 2010
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Micro–macro characterisation of DGEBA-based epoxies as a preliminary to polymer interphase modelling
G Possart, M Presser, S Passlack, PL Geiß, M Kopnarski, A Brodyanski, ...
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 29 (5), 478-487, 2009
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Towards optimization of crack resistance of composite materials by adjustment of fiber shapes
M Prechtel, G Leugering, P Steinmann, M Stingl
Engineering fracture mechanics 78 (6), 944-960, 2011
Mandati: German Research Foundation
On the adaptive finite element analysis of the Kohn–Sham equations: methods, algorithms, and implementation
D Davydov, TD Young, P Steinmann
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 106 (11), 863-888, 2016
Mandati: German Research Foundation, European Commission
Thermo-elastic deformations of the workpiece when dry turning aluminum alloys-A finite element model to predict thermal effects in the workpiece
S Schindler, M Zimmermann, JC Aurich, P Steinmann
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 7 (3), 233-245, 2014
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Classical results for a non-classical theory: remarks on thermodynamic relations in Green–Naghdi thermo-hyperelasticity
S Bargmann, P Steinmann
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 19, 59-66, 2007
Mandati: German Research Foundation
On the wall slip phenomenon of elastomers in oscillatory shear measurements using parallel-plate rotational rheometry: I. Detecting wall slip
BL Walter, JP Pelteret, J Kaschta, DW Schubert, P Steinmann
Polymer Testing 61, 430-440, 2017
Mandati: European Commission
Modified SFEM for computational homogenization of heterogeneous materials with microstructural geometric uncertainties
D Pivovarov, P Steinmann
Computational Mechanics 57, 123-147, 2016
Mandati: German Research Foundation, European Commission
A consistent time FE-method for large strain elasto-plasto-dynamics
R Mohr, A Menzel, P Steinmann
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 197 (33-40), 3024-3044, 2008
Mandati: German Research Foundation
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