Articoli con mandati relativi all'accesso pubblico - Molly Susan QuinnUlteriori informazioni
Disponibili pubblicamente: 5
Explaining black-box classifiers using post-hoc explanations-by-example: The effect of explanations and error-rates in XAI user studies
EM Kenny, C Ford, M Quinn, MT Keane
Artificial Intelligence 294, 103459, 2021
Mandati: Science Foundation Ireland
Do we “fear for the worst” or “hope for the best” in thinking about the unexpected?: Factors affecting the valence of unexpected outcomes reported for everyday scenarios
MS Quinn, K Campbell, MT Keane
Cognition 208, 104520, 2021
Mandati: Science Foundation Ireland
Factors Affecting “Expectations of the Unexpected”: The Impact of Controllability & Valence on Unexpected Outcomes
MS Quinn, MT Keane
Cognition 225, 105142, 2022
Mandati: Science Foundation Ireland
People's reports of unexpected events for everyday scenarios: Over 1000 textual responses, human-labelled for valence/sentiment, controllability and topic category
MS Quinn, C Ford, MT Keane
Data in Brief 44, 108545, 2022
Mandati: Science Foundation Ireland
Three datasets reporting unexpected events for everyday scenarios: Over 9000 events human-labelled for overall valence/sentiment, topic category, and relationship to the …
MS Quinn, MT Keane
Data in brief 35, 106935, 2021
Mandati: Science Foundation Ireland
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