Articoli con mandati relativi all'accesso pubblico - Mohd Fadhli HamdanUlteriori informazioni
Non disponibili pubblicamente: 2
Interactions between plant lipid-binding proteins and their ligands
ZH Guo, SC Lung, MF Hamdan, ML Chye
Progress in Lipid Research 86, 101156, 2022
Mandati: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Roles of acyl-CoA-binding proteins in plant reproduction
MF Hamdan, SC Lung, ZH Guo, ML Chye
Journal of experimental botany 73 (9), 2918-2936, 2022
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Disponibili pubblicamente: 4
Green revolution to gene revolution: technological advances in agriculture to feed the world
MF Hamdan, SN Mohd Noor, N Abd-Aziz, TL Pua, BC Tan
Plants 11 (10), 1297, 2022
Mandati: Royal Society UK
Genome editing for sustainable crop improvement and mitigation of biotic and abiotic stresses
MF Hamdan, CKS Karlson, EY Teoh, SE Lau, BC Tan
Plants 11 (19), 2625, 2022
Mandati: Royal Society UK
Genome editing and biotechnological advances for crop improvement and future agriculture
MF Hamdan, G Hensel, A Alok, BC Tan
Frontiers in Plant Science 14, 1132821, 2023
Mandati: German Research Foundation
A promoter polymorphism defines distinct roles in anther development for Col‐0 and Ler‐0 alleles of Arabidopsis ACYL‐COA BINDING PROTEIN3
ZH Guo, TH Hu, MF Hamdan, M Li, R Wang, J Xu, SC Lung, W Liang, ...
New Phytologist 243 (4), 1424-1439, 2024
Mandati: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
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