Articoli con mandati relativi all'accesso pubblico - T. Brad HarrisUlteriori informazioni
Non disponibili pubblicamente: 4
Putting non-work ties to work: The case of guanxi in supervisor–subordinate relationships
X Zhang, N Li, TB Harris
The Leadership Quarterly 26 (1), 37-54, 2015
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A network view of advice-giving and individual creativity in teams: A brokerage-driven, socially perpetuated phenomenon
Y Li, N Li, J Guo, J Li, TB Harris
Academy of Management Journal 61 (6), 2210-2229, 2018
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Recognizing “me” benefits “we”: Investigating the positive spillover effects of formal individual recognition in teams.
N Li, X Zheng, TB Harris, X Liu, BL Kirkman
Journal of Applied Psychology 101 (7), 925, 2016
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Informational advantages in social networks: The core-periphery divide in peer performance ratings.
HH Zhao, N Li, TB Harris, CC Rosen, X Zhang
Journal of Applied Psychology 106 (7), 1093, 2021
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Disponibili pubblicamente: 2
Unspoken yet Understood: An Introduction and Initial Framework of Subordinates’ Moqi With Supervisors
X Zheng, N Li, T Brad Harris, H Liao
Journal of Management, 0149206316687642, 2017
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Exploring the pandemic's potential effects on workers' collectivist values, prosocial behaviors, and attitudes toward mistreatment
N Li, H Liao, J Pan, TB Harris
Human Resource Management 61 (1), 55-74, 2022
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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