Pietro Battaglia
Pietro Battaglia
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First evidence of presence of plastic debris in stomach of large pelagic fish in the Mediterranean Sea
T Romeo, P Battaglia, C Pedà, P Consoli, F Andaloro, MC Fossi
Marine pollution bulletin 95 (1), 358-361, 2015
Bioindicators for monitoring marine litter ingestion and its impacts on Mediterranean biodiversity
MC Fossi, C Pedà, M Compa, C Tsangaris, C Alomar, F Claro, ...
Environmental Pollution 237, 1023-1040, 2018
Relationships between otolith size and fish size in some mesopelagic and bathypelagic species from the Mediterranean Sea (Strait of Messina, Italy)
P Battaglia, D Malara, T Romeo, F Andaloro
Scientia Marina 74 (3), 605-612, 2010
Characterization of the artisanal fishery and its socio-economic aspects in the central Mediterranean Sea (Aeolian Islands, Italy)
P Battaglia, T Romeo, P Consoli, G Scotti, F Andaloro
Fisheries Research 102 (1-2), 87-97, 2010
Feeding habits of the Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus (L. 1758), in the central Mediterranean Sea (Strait of Messina)
P Battaglia, F Andaloro, P Consoli, V Esposito, D Malara, S Musolino, ...
Helgoland Marine Research 67, 97-107, 2013
PCB and OCP accumulation and evidence of hepatic alteration in the Atlantic bluefin tuna, T. thynnus, from the Mediterranean Sea
M Maisano, T Cappello, S Oliva, A Natalotto, A Giannetto, V Parrino, ...
Marine Environmental Research 121, 40-48, 2016
A new digestion approach for the extraction of microplastics from gastrointestinal tracts (GITs) of the common dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) from the western Mediterranean Sea
GF Schirinzi, C Pedà, P Battaglia, F Laface, M Galli, M Baini, P Consoli, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 397, 122794, 2020
Diet and first documented data on plastic ingestion of Trachinotus ovatus L. 1758 (Pisces: Carangidae) from the Strait of Messina (central Mediterranean Sea)
P Battaglia, C Pedà, S Musolino, V Esposito, F Andaloro, T Romeo
Italian journal of zoology 83 (1), 121-129, 2016
Marine litter in an EBSA (Ecologically or Biologically Significant Area) of the central Mediterranean Sea: Abundance, composition, impact on benthic species and basis for …
P Consoli, F Andaloro, C Altobelli, P Battaglia, S Campagnuolo, ...
Environmental pollution 236, 405-415, 2018
Feeding habits of the albacore tuna Thunnus alalunga (Perciformes, Scombridae) from central Mediterranean Sea
P Consoli, T Romeo, P Battaglia, L Castriota, V Esposito, F Andaloro
Marine Biology 155 (1), 113-120, 2008
Composition and abundance of benthic marine litter in a coastal area of the central Mediterranean Sea
P Consoli, M Falautano, M Sinopoli, P Perzia, S Canese, V Esposito, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 136, 243-247, 2018
First record of plastic debris in the stomach of Mediterranean lanternfishes
T Romeo, C Peda, MC Fossi, F Andaloro, P Battaglia
Acta Adriatica 57 (1), 115-124, 2016
Relationships between otolith size and fish length in some mesopelagic teleosts (Myctophidae, Paralepididae, Phosichthyidae and Stomiidae)
P Battaglia, D Malara, G Ammendolia, T Romeo, F Andaloro
Journal of Fish Biology 87 (3), 774-782, 2015
Fish distribution and habitat complexity on banks of the Strait of Sicily (Central Mediterranean Sea) from remotely-operated vehicle (ROV) explorations
P Consoli, V Esposito, P Battaglia, C Altobelli, P Perzia, T Romeo, ...
PLoS One 11 (12), e0167809, 2016
Characterization of seafloor litter on Mediterranean shallow coastal waters: evidence from Dive Against Debris®, a citizen science monitoring approach
P Consoli, G Scotti, T Romeo, MC Fossi, V Esposito, M d'Alessandro, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 150, 110763, 2020
Pelagic cephalopods of the central Mediterranean Sea determined by the analysis of the stomach content of large fish predators
T Romeo, P Battaglia, C Pedà, P Perzia, P Consoli, V Esposito, ...
Helgoland Marine Research 66 (3), 295-306, 2012
Age, growth and feeding habits of the bluemouth rockfish, Helicolenus dactylopterus dactylopterus (Delaroche 1809) in the central Mediterranean (southern …
P Consoli, P Battaglia, L Castriota, V Esposito, T Romeo, F Andaloro
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26 (4), 583-591, 2010
Exceptional discovery of a shallow-water hydrothermal site in the SW area of Basiluzzo islet (Aeolian archipelago, South Tyrrhenian Sea): An environment to preserve
V Esposito, F Andaloro, S Canese, G Bortoluzzi, M Bo, M Di Bella, ...
PloS one 13 (1), e0190710, 2018
Technical guidance on monitoring for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
N Zampoukas, A Palialexis, A Duffek, J Graveland, G Giorgi, C Hagebro, ...
JRC Scientific and Policy Report., 2014
Influence of lunar phases, winds and seasonality on the stranding of mesopelagic fish in the Strait of Messina (Central Mediterranean Sea)
P Battaglia, G Ammendolia, M Cavallaro, P Consoli, V Esposito, D Malara, ...
Marine Ecology 38 (5), e12459, 2017
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20