Articoli con mandati relativi all'accesso pubblico - Patrick FloodUlteriori informazioni
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Scotland ‘Bold and Brave’? Conditions for creating a coherent national healthcare quality strategy
AM McDermott, DR Steel, L McKee, L Hamel, PC Flood
Managing change: From health policy to practice, 189-205, 2015
Mandati: Health Research Board, Ireland
Disponibili pubblicamente: 16
How do high performance work systems influence organizational innovation in professional service firms?
N Fu, PC Flood, J Bosak, T Morris, P O'Regan
Employee Relations 37 (2), 209-231, 2015
Mandati: Irish Research Council
High‐Performance work systems in professional service firms: Examining the practices‐resources‐uses‐performance linkage
N Fu, PC Flood, J Bosak, DM Rousseau, T Morris, P O'Regan
Human resource management 56 (2), 329-352, 2017
Mandati: Irish Research Council
Understanding how HR systems work: the role of HR philosophy and HR processes
K Monks, G Kelly, E Conway, P Flood, K Truss, E Hannon
Human resource management journal 23 (4), 379-395, 2013
Mandati: UK Economic and Social Research Council, Irish Research Council
Perceptions of high‐involvement work practices, person‐organization fit, and burnout: a time‐lagged study of health care employees
S Kilroy, PC Flood, J Bosak, D Chênevert
Human Resource Management 56 (5), 821-835, 2017
Mandati: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Job design under lean manufacturing and the quality of working life: a job demands and resources perspective
SJ Cullinane, J Bosak, PC Flood, E Demerouti
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 25 (21), 2996-3015, 2014
Mandati: Irish Research Council
Hybrid healthcare governance for improvement? Combining top‐down and bottom‐up approaches to public sector regulation
AM McDermott, LM Hamel, D Steel, PC Flood, L Mkee
Public Administration 93 (2), 324-344, 2015
Mandati: Health Research Board, Ireland
Chinese and Irish professional service firms compared: Linking HPWS, organizational coordination, and firm performance
N Fu, J Bosak, PC Flood, Q Ma
Journal of Business Research 95, 266-276, 2019
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Irish Research Council
A national stakeholder consensus study of challenges and priorities for clinical learning environments in postgraduate medical education
C Kilty, A Wiese, C Bergin, P Flood, N Fu, M Horgan, A Higgins, B Maher, ...
BMC Medical Education 17, 1-9, 2017
Mandati: Health Research Board, Ireland
Exploring the relationships between HPWS, organizational ambidexterity and firm performance in Chinese professional service firms
N Fu, Q Ma, J Bosak, P Flood
Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management 6 (1), 52-70, 2015
Mandati: Irish Research Council
Performance management in context: formative cross-functional performance monitoring for improvement and the mediating role of relational coordination in hospitals
AM McDermott, E Conway, K Cafferkey, J Bosak, PC Flood
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 30 (3), 436-456, 2019
Mandati: Irish Research Council
Job crafting for lean engagement: The interplay of day and job-level characteristics
SJ Cullinane, J Bosak, PC Flood, E Demerouti
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 26 (4), 541-554, 2017
Mandati: Irish Research Council
Intellectual capital and organizational ambidexterity in Chinese and Irish professional service firms
N Fu, Q Ma, J Bosak, P Flood
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance 3 (2), 94-114, 2016
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Irish Research Council
Protocol for a realist review of workplace learning in postgraduate medical education and training
A Wiese, C Kilty, C Bergin, P Flood, N Fu, M Horgan, A Higgins, B Maher, ...
Systematic reviews 6, 1-6, 2017
Mandati: Health Research Board, Ireland
Reducing burnout among nurses: The role of high-involvement work practices and colleague support
S Kilroy, J Bosak, D Chênevert, PC Flood, K Hill
Health care management review 47 (2), 115-124, 2022
Mandati: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada, Fonds de recherche …
When East meets West: comparing the utilization of high‐performance work systems in Chinese and Irish professional service firms
N Fu, Q Ma, PC Flood, J Bosak, Y Liu, Y Zhang
Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources 54 (1), 8-31, 2016
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Irish Research Council
Revisiting the effect of emotional labor: A multi-level investigation in front-line service teams
X Zhao, N Fu, Y Freeney, PC Flood
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 570048, 2020
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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