Luca Tiozzo Pezzoli
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Testing big data in a big crisis: Nowcasting under COVID-19
L Barbaglia, L Frattarolo, L Onorante, FM Pericoli, M Ratto, LT Pezzoli
International Journal of Forecasting 39 (4), 1548-1563, 2023
Emotions in macroeconomic news and their impact on the european bond market
S Consoli, LT Pezzoli, E Tosetti
Journal of International Money and Finance 118, 102472, 2021
Data science technologies in economics and finance: A gentle walk-in
L Barbaglia, S Consoli, S Manzan, D Reforgiato Recupero, M Saisana, ...
Data science for economics and finance: Methodologies and applications, 1-17, 2021
Sentiment analysis of economic text: A lexicon‐based approach
L Barbaglia, S Consoli, S Manzan, L Tiozzo Pezzoli, E Tosetti
Economic Inquiry 63 (1), 125-143, 2025
The unexpected influencer: Pope Francis and European perceptions of the recent refugee crisis
C Deiana, G Mazzarella, EC Meroni, L Tiozzo Pezzoli
Oxford Economic Papers 75 (1), 75-95, 2023
Neural forecasting of the Italian sovereign bond market with economic news
S Consoli, L Tiozzo Pezzoli, E Tosetti
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 185 …, 2022
Using the GDELT dataset to analyse the Italian sovereign bond market
S Consoli, LT Pezzoli, E Tosetti
Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science: 6th International …, 2020
Seismonomics: Listening to the heartbeat of the economy
L Tiozzo Pezzoli, E Tosetti
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society …, 2022
Information extraction from the GDELT database to analyse EU sovereign bond markets
S Consoli, L Tiozzo Pezzoli, E Tosetti
Mining Data for Financial Applications: 5th ECML PKDD Workshop, MIDAS 2020 …, 2021
International yield curves and principal components selection techniques: An empirical assessment
F Pegoraro, AF Siegel, L Pezzoli
Banque de France Working Paper, 2014
Nowcasting economic activity in European regions using a mixed-frequency dynamic factor model
L Barbaglia, L Frattarolo, N Hauzenberger, D Hirschbuehl, F Huber, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.10054, 2024
Report on the 2021 Big Data and Economic Forecasting workshop
L Barbaglia, S Consoli, S Manzan, L TiozzoPezzoli, E Tosetti
Publications Office of the European Union, 2021
Big data financial sentiment analysis in the European bond markets
L Tiozzo Pezzoli, S Consoli, E Tosetti
Mining Data for Financial Applications: 4th ECML PKDD Workshop, MIDAS 2019 …, 2020
Specification Analysis of International Treasury Yield Curve Factors
F Pegoraro, AF Siegel, L Pezzoli
Banque de France Working Paper, 2014
Specification analysis of interest rates factors: an international perspective
LT Pezzoli
Université Paris Dauphine-Paris IX, 2013
Interpretable Bayesian machine learning for assessing the effects of climate news shocks on firm-level returns
L Barbaglia, L Frattarolo, N Hauzenberger, D Hirschbühl, F Huber, ...
Available at SSRN 5133162, 2025
Exploring the Economic Effects of COVID-19 in the United States through the Seismograph
LT Pezzoli, E Tosetti
The Economics of COVID-19, 85-93, 2022
CAS: centre for advanced studies
M Craglia, E Gomez, J Glovicko, M Manzan, H Scholten, L Barbaglia, ...
European Commission, 2020
Centre for Advanced Studies–CAS
M Craglia, E Gómez Gutiérrez, J Glovičko, S Manzan, V Charisi, I Calzada, ...
European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre, 2020
Economic Relevance of Hidden Factors in International Bond Risk Premia
L Tiozzo Pezzoli
Economics Papers from University Paris Dauphine, 2014
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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