Orcun Yorulmaz
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Eysenck kişilik anketi-gözden geçirilmiş kısallmış formu’nun (EKA-GGK) Türkiye’de geçerlik ve güvenilirlik çalışması
A Karancı, G Dirik, O Yorulmaz
Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 18 (3), 1-8, 2007
OCD cognitions and symptoms in different religious contexts
O Yorulmaz, T Gençöz, S Woody
Journal of anxiety disorders 23 (3), 401-406, 2009
Psychometric properties of the Thought–Action Fusion Scale in a Turkish sample
O Yorulmaz, AE Yılmaz, T Gençöz
Behaviour Research and Therapy 42 (10), 1203-1214, 2004
Vulnerability factors in OCD symptoms: Cross‐cultural comparisons between Turkish and Canadian samples
O Yorulmaz, T Gençöz, S Woody
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy: An International Journal of Theory …, 2010
Çocukluk dönemi ebeveyn tutumlarının değerlendirilmesi: Kısaltılmış algılanan ebeveyn tutumları-çocuk formu
G Dirik, O Yorulmaz, AN Karancı
Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 26 (2), 123-130, 2015
Responsibility, thought‐action fusion, and thought suppression in Turkish patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder
O Yorulmaz, AN Karanci, B Bastug, C Kisa, E Goka
Journal of Clinical Psychology 64 (3), 308-317, 2008
What are the roles of perfectionism and responsibility in checking and cleaning compulsions?
O Yorulmaz, AN Karancı, A Tekok-Kılıç
Journal of anxiety disorders 20 (3), 312-327, 2006
Padua Envanteri-Washington Eyalet Üniversitesi Revizyonu: Türkçe Versiyonunun Psikometrik Özellikleri
O Yorulmaz, AN Karancı, G Dirik, B Baştuğ, C Kısa, E Göka, GL Burns
Türk Psikoloji Yazıları 10 (20), 75-85, 2007
Psychometric properties of the obsessive—compulsive inventory—revised in a Turkish analogue sample
O Yorulmaz, M Inozu, DA Clark, AS Radomsky
Psychological reports 117 (3), 781-793, 2015
The role of magical thinking in obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms and cognitions in an analogue sample
O Yorulmaz, M Inozu, B Gültepe
Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry 42 (2), 198-203, 2011
Public stigma of obsessive compulsive disorder and schizophrenic disorder: is there really any difference?
G Durna, O Yorulmaz, A Aktaç
Psychiatry research 271, 559-564, 2019
Cultural context, obsessive‐compulsive disorder symptoms, and cognitions: A preliminary study of three Turkish samples living in different countries
O Yorulmaz, B Işık
International Journal of Psychology 46 (2), 136-143, 2011
Neuroticism and religiosity: The role of obsessive beliefs, thought-control strategies and guilt in scrupulosity and obsessive–compulsive symptoms among Muslim undergraduates
M Inozu, Y Kahya, O Yorulmaz
Journal of Religion and Health 59, 1144-1160, 2020
Responsibility and perfectionism as predictors of obsessive-compulsive symptomatology: A test of cognitive model
O Yorulmaz
Middle East Technical University, 2002
Yetişkinlerin çocukluk anıları ve sosyal kaygı
G Dirik, AN Karancı, O Yorulmaz
XIII. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi Bilimsel Çalışma Kitabı, İstanbul 149, 2004
Internet gaming disorder and treatment approaches: A systematic review
MD Nazlıgül, S Baş, Z Akyüz, O Yorulmaz
Addicta: The Turkish Journal on Addictions 5 (1), 13-35, 2018
A different view to perfectionism: An investigation of the psychometric properties of the big three perfectionism scale in a Turkish community sample
S Kaçar-Başaran, C Gökdağ, Z Erdoğan-Yıldırım, O Yorulmaz
Current Psychology 41 (9), 6511-6521, 2022
Locus of control in obsessive-compulsive (OC) and depression symptoms: the moderating effect of externality on obsessive-related control beliefs in OC symptoms
M Inozu, O Yorulmaz, S Terzi
Behaviour Change 29 (3), 148-163, 2012
OKB semptomlarında yorumlama ve kontrol süreçlerini değerlendiren İstem Dışı Düşünceleri Yorumlama Envanteri, Obsessif İnanışlar Anketi ve Düşünceleri Kontrol Anketi’nin …
O Yorulmaz, T Gençöz
Türk Psikoloji Yazıları 11 (22), 1-13, 2008
Extending the cross-national invariance of the parental warmth and rejection dimensions: Evidence from Arab countries, Croatia, and Turkey by applying the short-EMBU.
N Karanci, AM Abdel-Khalek, R Glavak, J Richter, KR Bridges, G Dirik, ...
1st International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection …, 2006
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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