Articoli con mandati relativi all'accesso pubblico - Francesc SalvatUlteriori informazioni
Non disponibili pubblicamente: 5
PENEPMA: A Monte Carlo program for the simulation of X-ray emission in electron probe microanalysis
X Llovet, F Salvat
Microscopy and Microanalysis 23 (3), 634-646, 2017
Mandati: Government of Spain
The PENELOPE code system. Specific features and recent improvements
F Salvat
SNA+ MC 2013-Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear …, 2014
Mandati: Government of Spain
A generic algorithm for Monte Carlo simulation of proton transport
F Salvat
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2013
Mandati: Government of Spain
Monte Carlo calculation of specific absorbed fractions: variance reduction techniques
G Díaz-Londoño, S García-Pareja, F Salvat, AM Lallena
Physics in Medicine & Biology 60 (7), 2625, 2015
Mandati: Government of Spain
Simple variance reduction in Monte Carlo calculations of specific absorbed fractions: Russian roulette and splitting at the source organ
GD Londoño, S García-Pareja, F Salvat, AM Lallena
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express 6 (3), 035015, 2020
Mandati: Government of Spain
Disponibili pubblicamente: 32
Cross sections for inner-shell ionization by electron impact
X Llovet, CJ Powell, F Salvat, A Jablonski
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 43 (1), 2014
Mandati: Government of Spain
Theory and calculation of the atomic photoeffect
L Sabbatucci, F Salvat
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 121, 122-140, 2016
Mandati: Government of Spain
Benchmarking of Monte Carlo simulation of bremsstrahlung from thick targets at radiotherapy energies
BA Faddegon, M Asai, J Perl, C Ross, J Sempau, J Tinslay, F Salvat
Medical physics 35 (10), 4308-4317, 2008
Mandati: US National Institutes of Health
RADIAL: A Fortran subroutine package for the solution of the radial Schrödinger and Dirac wave equations
F Salvat, JM Fernández-Varea
Computer Physics Communications 240, 165-177, 2019
Mandati: Government of Spain
Secondary fluorescence in electron probe microanalysis of material couples
X Llovet, PT Pinard, JJ Donovan, F Salvat
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 45 (22), 225301, 2012
Mandati: Government of Spain
PENEPMA: A Monte Carlo programme for the simulation of X-ray emission in EPMA
X Llovet, F Salvat
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 109 (1), 012009, 2016
Mandati: Government of Spain
PENGEOM—a general-purpose geometry package for Monte Carlo simulation of radiation transport in material systems defined by quadric surfaces
J Almansa, F Salvat-Pujol, G Díaz-Londoño, A Carnicer, AM Lallena, ...
Computer Physics Communications 199, 102-113, 2016
Mandati: Government of Spain
Simulation of decay processes and radiation transport times in radioactivity measurements
E García-Toraño, V Peyres, MM Bé, C Dulieu, MC Lépy, F Salvat
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2017
Mandati: Government of Spain
Electron scattering in isotonic chains as a probe of the proton shell structure of unstable nuclei
X Roca-Maza, M Centelles, F Salvat, X Viñas
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 87 (1), 014304, 2013
Mandati: Government of Spain
PenNuc: Monte Carlo simulation of the decay of radionuclides
E García-Toraño, V Peyres, F Salvat
Computer Physics Communications 245, 106849, 2019
Mandati: Government of Spain
The PENELOPE physics models and transport mechanics. Implementation into Geant4
M Asai, MA Cortés-Giraldo, V Giménez-Alventosa, V Giménez Gómez, ...
Frontiers in Physics 9, 738735, 2021
Mandati: US Department of Energy, Government of Spain
Nuclear effects in proton transport and dose calculations
F Salvat, JM Quesada
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2020
Mandati: Government of Spain
Variance-reduction methods for Monte Carlo simulation of radiation transport
S García-Pareja, AM Lallena, F Salvat
Frontiers in Physics 9, 718873, 2021
Mandati: Government of Spain
Bethe stopping-power formula and its corrections
F Salvat
Physical Review A 106 (3), 032809, 2022
Mandati: Government of Spain
Monte Carlo Methods to Model Radiation Interactions and Induced Damage
A Munoz, MC Fuss, MA Cortés-Giraldo, S Incerti, V Ivanchenko, ...
Radiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems, 203-225, 2012
Mandati: Government of Spain
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