Alexander Schjøll
Alexander Schjøll
Consumption Research Norway SIFO, Oslo Metropolitan University
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Are school meals a viable and sustainable tool to improve the healthiness and sustainability of children´ s diet and food consumption? A cross-national comparative perspective
M Oostindjer, J Aschemann-Witzel, Q Wang, SE Skuland, B Egelandsdal, ...
Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 57 (18), 3942-3958, 2017
Consumer readiness to reduce meat consumption for the purpose of environmental sustainability: Insights from Norway
MH Austgulen, SE Skuland, A Schjøll, F Alfnes
Sustainability 10 (9), 3058, 2018
Organic‐and animal welfare‐labelled eggs: competing for the same consumers?
F Gerini, F Alfnes, A Schjøll
Journal of Agricultural Economics 67 (2), 471-490, 2016
Country-of-origin preferences for organic food
A Schjøll
Organic Agriculture 7, 315-327, 2017
Promotion of mountain food: an explorative a study about consumers' and retailers' perception in six European countries.
A Schjøll, V Amilien, PA Tufte, C Revoredo-Giha, P Leat, B Kupiec, ...
Efficiency of in-store interventions to impact customers to purchase healthier food and beverage products in real-life grocery stores: a systematic review and meta-analysis
H Slapø, A Schjøll, B Strømgren, I Sandaker, S Lekhal
Foods 10 (5), 922, 2021
Forbrukernes forståelse av lokal mat
V Amilien, A Schjøll, LM Vramo
Fagrapport nr. 1–2008, 2008
Eliciting consumer preferences for credence attributes in a fine-dining restaurant
A Schjøll, F Alfnes
British Food Journal 119 (3), 575-586, 2017
Relationship between teaching modality and COVID-19, well-being, and teaching satisfaction (campus & corona): A cohort study among students in higher education
A Fretheim, A Helleve, B Løyland, IH Sandbekken, M Flatø, K Telle, ...
Public Health in Practice 2, 100187, 2021
Miljø-og dyrevelferdsspørsmål knyttet til produksjon og forbruk av fisk og kjøtt–hva er forbrukernes betraktninger og betenkeligheter?
AB Bugge, A Schjøll
Forbruksforskningsinstituttet SIFO, OsloMet, 2021
Gårdshandel som innkjøpsaktivitet og fritidsopplevelse
A Schjøll, G Vittersø
Oslo, SIFO, 2010
Fra kunnskap til handling-Mulighetsrommet: Hvordan påvirke forbrukere til å velge sunnere?
KI Karevold, AB Bugge, Ø Ueland, HB Slapø, A Schjøll, TG Rosenlund, ...
GreeNudge, 2017
Consumer preference for animal welfare when buying eggs
A Schjøll, SO Borgen, F Alfnes
National Institute for Consumer Research Report, 1-2013, 2013
The Nordic market for sports nutrition products
A Schjøll, M Bjerck, E Jacobsen, SE Ånestad
Nordic Council of Ministers, 2009
Eksponering for markedsføring av usunn mat og drikke. Reklame rettet mot barn og unge i sosiale medier. In 55 (Report SIFO-rapport; 14-2023). Forbruksforskningsinstituttet SIFO …
HS Tangen, A Schjøll
Kartlegging av utviklingen i butikkstruktur, dagligvareutvalg og dagligvarepriser
F Alfnes, A Schjøll, A Dulsrud
Forbruksforskningsforskningsinstituttet SIFO, OsloMet–storbyuniversitetet, 2019
Consumer readiness to reduce meat consumptions and eat more climate friendly
MH Austgulen, S Skuland, A Schjøll, F Alfnes
Endring i butikkstruktur og handlemønster i norsk dagligvarehandel
R Lavik, A Schjøll
Oslo, SIFO, 2012
Sports Nutrition Products
SE Ånestad
Nordic Council of Ministers, 2009
Consumer preference for animal welfare: what can we learn from restaurant, store and web experiments?
A Schjøll
Norwegian University of Life Science, 2014
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20