Articoli con mandati relativi all'accesso pubblico - Hamid JafarkhaniUlteriori informazioni
Non disponibili pubblicamente: 8
Time asynchronous NOMA for downlink transmission
M Ganji, H Jafarkhani
2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 1-6, 2019
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
On uplink asynchronous non-orthogonal multiple access systems with timing error
X Zou, B He, H Jafarkhani
2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2018
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
Exploiting asynchronous signaling for multiuser cooperative networks with analog network coding
X Zhang, M Ganji, H Jafarkhani
2017 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 1-6, 2017
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
Asynchronous channel training in massive MIMO systems
X Zou, H Jafarkhani
2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2016
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
Downlink asynchronous non-orthogonal multiple access systems with imperfect channel information
X Zou, M Ganji, H Jafarkhani
2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2019
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
A block-based non-orthogonal multicarrier scheme
M Ganji, X Zou, H Jafarkhani
2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2019
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
Local construction of bounded-degree network topologies using only neighborhood information
E Koyuncu, H Jafarkhani
2017 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 1-6, 2017
Mandati: US Department of Defense
Outage-optimized distributed quantizers for multicast beamforming
E Koyuncu, C Remling, X Liu, H Jafarkhani
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2179-2183, 2016
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
Disponibili pubblicamente: 75
A combined deep-learning and deformable-model approach to fully automatic segmentation of the left ventricle in cardiac MRI
MR Avendi, A Kheradvar, H Jafarkhani
Medical image analysis 30, 108-119, 2016
Mandati: American Heart Association
Automatic segmentation of the right ventricle from cardiac MRI using a learning‐based approach
MR Avendi, A Kheradvar, H Jafarkhani
Magnetic resonance in medicine 78 (6), 2439-2448, 2017
Mandati: American Heart Association
Covert wireless communication with a Poisson field of interferers
B He, S Yan, X Zhou, H Jafarkhani
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 17 (9), 6005-6017, 2018
Mandati: Australian Research Council
Energy-efficient node deployment in heterogeneous two-tier wireless sensor networks with limited communication range
S Karimi-Bidhendi, J Guo, H Jafarkhani
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 20 (1), 40-55, 2020
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
Movement-efficient sensor deployment in wireless sensor networks with limited communication range
J Guo, H Jafarkhani
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 18 (7), 3469-3484, 2019
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
A 3-D active contour method for automated segmentation of the left ventricle from magnetic resonance images
M Hajiaghayi, EM Groves, H Jafarkhani, A Kheradvar
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 64 (1), 134-144, 2016
Mandati: American Heart Association
Optimal deployments of UAVs with directional antennas for a power-efficient coverage
J Guo, P Walk, H Jafarkhani
IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (8), 5159-5174, 2020
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
Multi-user analog beamforming in millimeter wave MIMO systems based on path angle information
L Jiang, H Jafarkhani
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 18 (1), 608-619, 2018
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
Fully‑automated deep‑learning segmentation of pediatric cardiovascular magnetic resonance of patients with complex congenital heart diseases
S Karimi-Bidhendi, A Arafati, AL Cheng, Y Wu, A Kheradvar, H Jafarkhani
Journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance 22 (1), 80, 2020
Mandati: American Heart Association
An analysis of two-user uplink asynchronous non-orthogonal multiple access systems
X Zou, B He, H Jafarkhani
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 18 (2), 1404-1418, 2019
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
mmWave amplify-and-forward MIMO relay networks with hybrid precoding/combining design
L Jiang, H Jafarkhani
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 19 (2), 1333-1346, 2019
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
Energy-efficient deployment in static and mobile heterogeneous multi-hop wireless sensor networks
S Karimi-Bidhendi, J Guo, H Jafarkhani
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 21 (7), 4973-4988, 2021
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
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