Articoli con mandati relativi all'accesso pubblico - Víctor Roda-CasanovaUlteriori informazioni
Non disponibili pubblicamente: 2
An Approach for Solving the Contact Problem in Spur Gear Transmissions Considering Gear Misalignments
V Roda-Casanova, F Sanchez-Marin, JL Iserte
ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and …, 2015
Mandati: Government of Spain
A Fast Finite Element Based Methodology to Predict the Temperature Field in a Thermoplastic Spur Gear Drive
V Roda-Casanova, F Sanchez-Marin, A Porras-Vazquez
ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and …, 2017
Mandati: Government of Spain
Disponibili pubblicamente: 7
Numerical tooth contact analysis of gear transmissions through the discretization and adaptive refinement of the contact surfaces
F Sanchez-Marin, JL Iserte, V Roda-Casanova
Mechanism and Machine Theory 101, 75–94, 2016
Mandati: Government of Spain
Modified geometry of spur gear drives for compensation of shaft deflections
I Gonzalez-Perez, V Roda-Casanova, A Fuentes
Meccanica, 1-13, 2015
Mandati: Government of Spain
Determination of the ISO face load factor in spur gear drives by the finite element modeling of gears and shafts
V Roda-Casanova, FT Sanchez-Marin, I Gonzalez-Perez, JL Iserte, ...
Mechanism and Machine Theory 65, 1-13, 2013
Mandati: Government of Spain
A finite element model for consideration of the torsional effect on the bearing contact of gear drives
I Gonzalez-Perez, V Roda-Casanova, A Fuentes, FT Sanchez-Marin, ...
Mandati: Government of Spain
Contribution of the deflection of tapered roller bearings to the misalignment of the pinion in a pinion-rack transmission
V Roda-Casanova, F Sanchez-Marin
Mechanism and Machine Theory 109, 78–94, 2017
Mandati: Government of Spain
An adaptive mesh refinement approach for solving non-Hertzian elastic contact problems
V Roda-Casanova, F Sanchez-Marin
Meccanica, 2017
Mandati: Government of Spain
Predicting Wrist Joint Angles from the Kinematics of the Arm: Application to the Control of Upper Limb Prostheses
A Pérez-González, V Roda-Casanova, J Sabater-Gazulla
Biomimetics 8 (2), 2023
Mandati: Government of Spain
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