Hilde Wågsås Afdal
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Designing and redesigning research-based teacher education
HW Afdal, K Spernes
Teaching and Teacher Education 74, 215-228, 2018
Does teacher education matter? An analysis of relations to knowledge among Norwegian and Finnish novice teachers
HW Afdal, M Nerland
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 58 (3), 281-299, 2014
Constructing knowledge for the teaching profession. A comparative analysis of policy making, curricula content, and novice teachers’ knowledge relations in the cases of Finland …
HW Afdal
Begynneropplæring–et kjent, men uklart begrep: En analyse av læreres perspektiver
R Hoff-Jenssen, MO Bjerke, HW Afdal
Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2020
Policy making processes with respect to teacher education in Finland and Norway
HW Afdal
Higher education 65 (2), 167-180, 2013
The promises and limitations of international comparative research on teacher education
HW Afdal
European Journal of Teacher Education, 1-18, 2019
“Research-based” and “profession-oriented” as prominent knowledge discourses in curriculum restructuring of professional programs
HW Afdal
Higher Education 74 (3), 401-418, 2017
Knowledge in teacher education curricula–Examining differences between a research-based program and a general professional program
HW Afdal
Nordic Studies in Education 32 (03-04), 245-261, 2013
Scientific methods assignments as a basis for developing a profession-oriented inquiry-based learning approach in teacher education
K Spernes, HW Afdal
European Journal of Teacher Education, 1-15, 2021
Empirical moral philosophy and teacher education
E Schjetne, HW Afdal, T Anker, N Johannesen, G Afdal
Ethics and Education 11 (1), 29-41, 2016
Fra politikk til praksis-konstruksjon av læreres profesjonelle kunnskap
HW Afdal
Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift 98 (06), 469-481, 2014
The making of professional values in the age of accountability
HW Afdal, G Afdal
European Educational Research Journal 18 (1), 105-124, 2019
Exploring Teachers’ Professional Space Using the Cases of Finland, Norway and the US
K Maaranen, HW Afdal
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 1-16, 2020
Research-Based Education: An Exploration of Interpretations in Two Professional Higher Education Programmes
HW Afdal, C Damşa
Reconfiguring Knowledge in Higher Education, 129-148, 2018
Comparing and Discussing Positions on Scientific Literacy in Teacher Education and Lower Secondary School Curricula
G Johansen, H Afdal
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 17 (2), 2018
The hidden context: The dilemma of context in social and educational research
HW Afdal, G Afdal
Textsorten Und Kulturelle Kompetenz: Interdisziplinare Beitrage Zur …, 2010
Etikk i profesjonell praksis: Et følgeforskningsprosjekt knyttet til Utdanningsforbundets implementering av Lærerprofesjonens etiske plattform
H Afdal, N Johannesen, E Schjetne, T Anker, G Afdal
5-årig grunnskolelærerutdanning på masternivå-ny og utfordrende: Et følgeforskningsprosjekt ved Høgskolen i Østfold: Delrapport I
H Afdal, FR Bjordal
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge, 2019
Multiple Institutional Logics in National Curricula: The Introduction of Learning Outcomes in Teacher Education and Engineering Education in Norway
J Olson, HW Afdal, M Elken
Reconfiguring Knowledge in Higher Education, 65-81, 2018
Det gode og det rette i profesjonsutøvelsen – hvordan blir det til? Et diskursanalytisk blikk på utviklingen av den etiske plattformen for lærerprofesjonene
H Afdal
Etikk i pedagogiske praksiser. Bidrag til empirisk pedagogisk etikk, 89-108, 2014
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20