עקוב אחר
Mohamed Shawky El Moursi
Mohamed Shawky El Moursi
Professor, IEEE Fellow, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE - on leave from Mansoura University
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין ku.ac.ae
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
A review of power system flexibility with high penetration of renewables
B Mohandes, MS El Moursi, N Hatziargyriou, S El Khatib
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (4), 3140-3155, 2019
Novel STATCOM controller for mitigating SSR and damping power system oscillations in a series compensated wind park
MS El-Moursi, B Bak-Jensen, MH Abdel-Rahman
IEEE Transactions on Power electronics 25 (2), 429-441, 2009
Novel controllers for the 48-pulse VSC STATCOM and SSSC for voltage regulation and reactive power compensation
MS El-Moursi, AM Sharaf
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 20 (4), 1985 - 1997, 2005
A novel droop-based average voltage sharing control strategy for DC microgrids
PH Huang, PC Liu, W Xiao, MS El Moursi
IEEE transactions on Smart Grid 6 (3), 1096-1106, 2014
Wind speed and solar irradiance forecasting techniques for enhanced renewable energy integration with the grid: a review
EB Ssekulima, MB Anwar, A Al Hinai, MS El Moursi
IET Renewable Power Generation 10 (7), 885-989, 2016
Subsynchronous resonance mitigation for series-compensated DFIG-based wind farm by using two-degree-of-freedom control strategy
PH Huang, MS El Moursi, W Xiao, JL Kirtley
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 30 (3), 1442-1454, 2014
Fault ride through capability for grid interfacing large scale PV power plants
MSE Moursi, W Xiao, JL Kirtley Jr
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Volume 7, Issue 9, September …, 2013
A secondary voltage control strategy for transmission level interconnection of wind generation
M El Moursi, G Joos, C Abbey
Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on 23 (3), 1178-1190, 2008
An overview of modular multilevel converters in HVDC transmission systems with STATCOM operation during pole-to-pole DC short circuits
TH Nguyen, K Al Hosani, MS El Moursi, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 34 (5), 4137-4160, 2018
Stability evaluation of interconnected multi-inverter microgrids through critical clusters
IP Nikolakakos, HH Zeineldin, MS El-Moursi, ND Hatziargyriou
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (4), 3060-3072, 2015
A unified online deep learning prediction model for small signal and transient stability
SK Azman, YJ Isbeih, MS El Moursi, K Elbassioni
IEEE transactions on power systems 35 (6), 4585-4598, 2020
Exact BER Performance Analysis for Downlink NOMA Systems Over Nakagami- Fading Channels
T Assaf, A Al-Dweik, M El Moursi, H Zeineldin
IEEE Access 7, 134539-134555, 2019
Review of grid‐tied converter topologies used in photovoltaic systems
W Xiao, MS El Moursi, O Khan, D Infield
IET Renewable Power Generation 10 (10), 1543-1551, 2016
IoT-based optimal demand side management and control scheme for smart microgrid
BE Sedhom, MM El-Saadawi, MS El Moursi, MA Hassan, AA Eladl
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 127, 106674, 2021
Adaptive voltage and frequency control of islanded multi-microgrids
DO Amoateng, M Al Hosani, MS Elmoursi, K Turitsyn, JL Kirtley
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (4), 4454-4465, 2017
A control strategy for voltage unbalance mitigation in an islanded microgrid considering demand side management capability
S Acharya, MS El-Moursi, A Al-Hinai, AS Al-Sumaiti, HH Zeineldin
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (3), 2558-2568, 2018
A dynamic master/slave reactive power-management scheme for smart grids with distributed generation
MS El Moursi, HH Zeineldin, JL Kirtley, K Alobeidli
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 29 (3), 1157-1167, 2014
A novel transient control strategy for VSC-HVDC connecting offshore wind power plant
A Moawwad, MS El Moursi, W Xiao
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 5 (4), 1056-1069, 2014
A parallel capacitor control strategy for enhanced FRT capability of DFIG
MS El Moursi, HH Zeineldin
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 6 (2), 303-312, 2014
Voltage booster schemes for fault ride-through enhancement of variable speed wind turbines
S Alaraifi, A Moawwad, MS El Moursi, V Khadkikar
IEEE transactions on sustainable energy 4 (4), 1071-1081, 2013
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